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  • June 28, 2016
    Hello guys. I've got a query regarding Kvenel the Tongue. Who is he? What history does he have? All I could find out was he was a Chieftian of a group of powerful warrior possibly Tongues? As he was a Tongue himself I believe.
  • Tom
    June 28, 2016

    Like what most of Tamriel seems to be, it's feudalistic. Jarl is where the English term Earl comes from, and from the Scandinavian term Jarl it functioned like a sovereign prince. They're referred to in-game as the "Nord kings" and then corrected to "jarls", So Holds are independent states, Jarls are, for the most part, a hereditary office (you do have to have support of the other nobles, else they'll just depose you). They trade, squabble over territory, and make alliances with each other. All swear fealty to the High King though.

    Nord Clans are just extended families, just as in real life. Clans assert their influence and power within a Hold. They're like the noble families of Westeros or any other feudalistic society, though I think Skyrim offers much more upward mobility.

  • June 28, 2016

    Yeah, if we know for certain whether they were from the previous kalpa. It's not important, just a throwaway line in something I'm writing, but it would just be nice to be able to at least assume. Thanks. 

  • Tom
    June 28, 2016

    The Thu'um was much more prevalent before Jurgen's Way of the Voice. It's said the Nords never invented siege equipment because they could just walk up to a city's gates and shout it to pieces. Could Kvenel's warriors have been Tongues? Maybe.

    No one here has sources unavailable to you. There just isn't a lot of material on such a vague character.

  • June 28, 2016

    That video is VERY interesting. I don't think I remember that dialogue at all. I like the part about people trying to quicken it may slow it down and vice versa. Thanks so much Tom. 

    Also, does the Amaranth totally end the current dream? Is there any way at all that other dreams (if there are any) are still going on? Or any way that something from one kalpa could be pulled "as-is" (not like how most stuff comes without much change)?

  • June 28, 2016
    So, what is Redguard society and culture like as a whole? (Been learning about all the dofferent cultures of TES lately)
  • Tom
    June 28, 2016

    Also, does the Amaranth totally end the current dream? Is there any way at all that other dreams (if there are any) are still going on? Or any way that something from one kalpa could be pulled "as-is" (not like how most stuff comes without much change)?

    For the first part, /shrug. There's simply no way of answering that, I think.

    I don't know what you mean by kalpa traversing "as-is".

  • June 28, 2016
    I guess it would be impossible what I'm asking. I meant going from one kalpa to another that is from the future, but that would involve time travel and the people in what I'm working on aren't really robo-Pelinal, so nevermind. Thanks anyways.
  • June 28, 2016
    Hmm... That's fair enough, I thought I had passed something obvious regarding him. Thanks Tom
  • Member
    June 28, 2016

    Vix has a great article on that very subject.

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