Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: The Dragonguard

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  • Member
    May 5, 2013
    Well there goes my current build. Was already writing it up too. Only difference with my build was heavy armor and much less focus on one handed. I'll give you a +1 but know that I hate you ;)
  • May 5, 2013
    I'm ok with this :) :P
  • May 5, 2013
    How do I add this?:

  • Member
    May 5, 2013

    This turned out great Bryn! The combo for the armor looks great together, and it made use of some things in the game you don't see too often such as the Temple Robes and the Dragon Hunting quests.

  • May 5, 2013

    The same way you put it into the comment 

  • May 5, 2013
    I'm afraid that I'll delete the first picture... I don't know where the text for the title ends, and the picture begins...
  • May 5, 2013
    I added it already, you're a little late Ben :P
  • Member
    May 5, 2013

    I hope you don't take this the wrong way Bryn, but I don't think I can give it a like right now.  I like the gear, and I like the images, but it just seems very ... mundane.  What sets this build apart from the crowd?  What are the unique gameplay and lore elements that drive him?

    Maybe you could talk more about the apparent handicap of wearing armored gauntlets and boots without a helm or chestpiece.  If you ever forget to cast your flesh spell, how long can you last?  What are your contingency measures?

    It seems like this build is meant to revolve around Shouts and Draconic lore, but I'm just not really seeing that in action.  It doesn't look like you've done anything to augment your shouts or to diminish their cooldown, whichd isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it seems a bit contradictory to the purpose as I see it.  How do you balance all those Shouts, how do you prioritize which ones to use?

    Also, a perk spread image would be a nice addition.  And maybe more smaller images to break up the blocks of text, rather than just big images, big text blocks, repeating ad nauseum.

    Overall, I think there's potential here for you to make this a lot more interesting and impressive.  You know a lot about the game and you have a great foundation here.  It would feel like a bit of a waste if you didn't invest a bit more time and effort into the write-up.

  • May 5, 2013
    Can't do a perk spread image on iPad, and I'm sure no one wants to make it for me. The point isn't to have 0 cool down on shouts, I find that play style boring. To be honest, describing gameplay is my most hated part about builds... Not just my builds, all builds... I feel if someone was to just put in the skills and explain what the skills are used for, it shouldn't be that hard to figure out what happens. And I never felt like there was a handicap with only gauntlets, boots, and flesh spells so I decided to not type anything. The only time I ever had difficulty in fighting had to be with Ahzidal and is cheap one hot kill shout... Other than that... Not one fight felt dangerous.
  • May 5, 2013
    If you don't like it, that's fine, you feel it isn't good enough or simply doesn't appeal to you, I don't feel there is much else I can do for it since I had no difficult fights other than Ahzidal, so I never felt handicapped, if anything, I felt more powerful than most of my characters because by the time I would have fnally gotten 100 AR, this build already had 200+.