Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Building Contest #5: Exotics

  • June 6, 2016

    I know, I know and deep down in ma gut I wish I could've cranked out that Auroran too. 

    I really loved your use of console commands though. I'm wondering if it can be applied for other things. Like what if your build already has a skill, or a specific spell and yet you can't get it until a certain point in the playthrough, which destroys immersion, IMO.  It'd be interesting to see what this does. Not saying console a daedric set, but something simple. 

  • Member
    June 6, 2016

    You can totally do things like that! I tend to avoid them in builds I plan on writing, but for some builds I play it really helps.

    Case in point: I'm playing DB's Paralytic Mage right now, which does most of its damage through Cloaks. The problem is, you don't get Cloak spells till the mid-game at least. I could have used console commands to get me up to speed right away if I wanted. Instead, I split the difference and opted to get the Ebony Mail early via the console.

  • Member
    June 6, 2016
    There is a flame cloak spell available at lvl one. Just head to the shoreline east of Dawnstar. The spell book will be near a burned body.
  • June 6, 2016

    Yeah, haha, I always laugh when I run into that scene. Whoops! That didn't go so well for that poor soul. 

    Actually, the spell I was thinking of was Sunfire. Available through Dawnguard and really not all that hard to obtain, but the problem is, going through DG so early in the planned build's story is not a good idea for roleplaying, so I was thinking about consoling it in. It's for the Albee build. In requiem, you could get the spell by taking the apprentice resto perk. An option to study in their mechanics. However, they removed this in later versions of the overhaul and that is not something you can do in Vanilla. 

  • Member
    June 6, 2016

    Yeah, but I never have enough juice to cast the thing till I can buy it xD

  • Member
    June 6, 2016

    Hate to be a downer, but I don't think we should do another extension. It'd be one thing if we had other participants who were on the verge of completing their builds, but it seems like the majority of them have been silent, like you said.

  • June 6, 2016

    I have to agree with Albino, we've already had an extension  (was it two weeks? anyway not important), and extending it longer will only drag it out. Part of a Contest is building under the pressure of time, giving people 2+ months to make their build kind of takes away the fact that these are supposed to be rushed builds (kinda...more rushed than normal anyway).

  • June 6, 2016

    Relax guys we wont extend. A good contest doesnt over stay its welcome, afterall. 

  • Member
    June 6, 2016

    Last minute entry. Me with the Spiderkith 

  • June 6, 2016
