Fallout Character Building » Discussions

Building for Survival Mode (FO4)

  • May 18, 2016
    Lead belly is still mostly useless, since you generally wouldn't be drinking dirty water to avoid catching a disease. As far as settlers go I believe they can still carry as much as you want, they only lowered companions carrying capacity and your own as I understand it.
  • Member
    May 18, 2016

    Still, drinking dirty water does help in a pinch

  • Member
    May 18, 2016
    Anybody know if there's a bed in greentechs? Courser just wiped the floor with me on first try. I didn't see any on my way thru...
  • Member
    May 18, 2016

    I too, would like to know

  • Member
    May 18, 2016

    Not that I can remember. My strategy for beating him was to get into VATS as soon as I finished talking to him and stack on a bunch of headshots before he could use his stealthboy.  Since once they're they're there even if he goes invisible you'll still hit him.

  • Member
    May 18, 2016

    Nope, makes it all the more challenging! I think I took some Jet and emptied 2 Deliverer magazines in to his face in the middle of the conversation after I decided I wouldn't be able to talk him down (you might be seeing a recurring theme here).

  • Member
    May 18, 2016

    haha jet ftw!

    I unloaded 2 headshots with a (almost) maxed out kellogg's (160 dmg per) and barely got him down 1/3. Ran for the stairs and started lobbing nades...

    At some point he switched guns from a scattered laser which wasn't hitting me, to something that got me in two hits. 

    But yeah, more jet. Or psycho jet...or both

  • Member
    May 18, 2016

    Might've picked up a high level combat/assault rifle from one of the Gunners.

    The .44 Magnum is great for it's damage per shot capability but it simply can't top the raw DPS of something like a good 10mm Pistol or the Deliverer at close range.

  • May 18, 2016
    My strategy was using the shutdown code, because I'm lazy.
  • Member
    May 18, 2016
    I have the deliverer. That plus jet will do the trick. I was trying to go a little cowboy :)