Fallout Character Building » Discussions

Building for Survival Mode (FO4)

  • Member
    May 17, 2016

    I think I can, but that's not really going to help with the mini nukes. I think my best bet is just sniping from far away and then using the courser to soak up damage from the generic guys.

  • Member
    May 17, 2016

    Threw some artillery smoke in from one of the nearby pontoons, obliterated everyone in the main fortress sort of area without setting foot inside.

  • Member
    May 17, 2016

    Hmm, would the artillery on the submarine reach that far? Because I don't have the minutemen stuff. In fact the Castle is still home to a bunch of Mirelurks.

  • Member
    May 17, 2016
    Booooooo Hahaha
  • Member
    May 17, 2016

    The missile strike from the sub can reach anywhere in the Commonwealth but it's really only a single Fat Man explosion. If you position it right you'll probably be able to take out quite a few of them though..

  • Member
    May 18, 2016

    I managed to clear the place on my first attempt, Fatman guy didn't know what hit him.

    Then when I was doing the battle of bunker hill I found what I have dubbed my most dangerous foe yet; Vertibirds that I've shot out of the sky. One in particular was flying away from me and then when I shot it down it started spiraling towards me, in fact all of them seemed to spiral towards me...

  • Member
    May 18, 2016

    I was killed twice on that mission by falling vertibirds and a third time during a friendly fire incident involving a Synth Assaulter with a missile launcher...

  • Member
    May 18, 2016

    The first time I arrived at the battle, I turned around to find MacCready holding the fatman from Libertalia along with the two mini nukes we'd looted. This was followed by me working out what I could drop so that I could carry the nukes.

    That Vertibird that was flying away was actually on the other side of Bunker hill and when I shot it down it spiraled right towards me; missing the monument. It's a little strange how many brotherhood members you can kill in that quest and they still don't go don't work out you're not helping them. I shot out so many power cores that you'd expect the explosions to have alerted the other knights that were there.

  • May 18, 2016

    So, two days before Survival mode launches; I'm excited. I'm reading all the material I can find on the web to plan out my survival mode character, and a tree falls in my back yard, across a neighbor's roof, and rips my cable down.


    So its been a few weeks, a few insurance phone calls, and waiting on getting insurance claims, contractors, etc, to get things cleared up so I can get cable hooked up again. I'm a couple days away from getting to play and I cant wait! But in planning out my survival build, I have some questions.

    1) Antibiotics. Are they craftable, and if so, do you need to have a chemist perk to craft them? and if so, is it worth the investment, or are they available enough that one shouldn't worry about it?

    2) Lead Belly was, in normal mode, a pointless perk. Seems to me that it would be a perk worth taking in survival. Thoughts?

     3) even in normal mode, I found the Rust Devil automatons to be quite devastating at tmes. Is it worth disabling Automaton for Survival mode?

    4) Settler Carrying Capacity: In normal mode playthroughs with low charisma characters, I have used settlers as pack mules, loading them up with the supplies I need to build a settlement, then moving them to the new location. How has survival mode affected their carrying capacity?

  • Member
    May 18, 2016

    Yes, yes, and yes for 1. Its RNG on whether you find them, but crafting them can be useful. It is mostly useful. I recommend getting some decent weaponry, using sneak attacks, and grenades. I don't know, but Dogmeat''s is weird. When I started Survival Mode, he was able to carry over 30, yet now its way less.