The Elder Scrolls Online » Discussions

ESO Rage

  • September 14, 2015

    This is a place where you can vent your frustrations with ESO. You can complain about anything, from people blasting their music and killing your immersion, to that one person you always end up grouped with who doesn't know which way up to hold his battle axe. 

  • September 14, 2015

    What really pisses me off is when people abuse the group finder tool. Dps are most often guilty of this, and will join the queue as tanks and healers to find groups faster. 

    The end result is that I'm running as a tank with no healer, and have the dps complaining at me because I can't keep everything focused on me. Why not complain about the 'healer' with no heals? 

  • Member
    September 14, 2015
    Haha I have experienced this. The fun part is when I actually do put healer and I was running 100% healers so people would be sincerely surprised and say the same thing you are. But I would have the same problem. Tanks wouldn't tank and DPS would usualyl run behind and grab chest loot...
  • September 14, 2015

    Out of all the MMO's I've played ESO leaves me with the least issues to rage about. My only gripe with ESO is how insanely difficult it is to find a group to party with outside your friends. The group finder often takes 60 to 90 minutes to yield results if you're playing a DPS character, and when you do finally find a group, they often have no intention of running a dungeon. 

    ESO should take a page from Destiny's playbook and have matchmaking for dungeons work a lot like Strike match ups in Destiny. 

  • Member
    September 14, 2015
    I see a few people mentioning long queue times - I usually build around off-tank or heals even if I want to DPS! Also, being able to hear people outside your group using voice chat sounds awful. I suppose I'm used to text chat!
  • Member
    September 15, 2015

    I'm pretty new to MMOs, my only experience being Star Wars TOR. So I'm not used to not being able to play a game when I want to due to servers being down or for massive 5gb updates like last night and this evening. Seriously, i just put the game in knowing I only have a couple hours but I can't play due to an update which after 15 minutes is only 3% complete.

    My time is limited and I can't be one of those guys who shits in a bag to avoid any afk time but I do like to know I can put a disc in and play for an hour or two. 

    Is this something I'm going to have to get used to or are updates and maintenance few and far between?

  • September 15, 2015

    The update today was only so big because it was for the dlc, any other updates the game gets will be much smaller. As for maintenance that usually happens once a week, but can be planned around. Reddit normally is very good about letting you know when maintenance is going to be happening:

    The only other times you wont be able to play is when the game is having unexpected problems.   

  • September 15, 2015

    I haven't had an update today 

  • Member
    September 16, 2015

    Thanks Twist. So what is the new dlc like, any good? Does it feel nice to explore the Elven Gardens District again? What was Talos Plaza called before there was a Talos?

  • September 16, 2015

    Will you be getting any of the DLC Phil?