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Hounds of Storm Wave - TOC

  • Member
    October 3, 2015

    "A lost Company of Companions? We aren't lost. In fact, as far as I know (and I know a lot, being the damned historian of this crew), we've never been lost. Never. The Hounds have seen every port in Tamriel at least once. And every dockside tavern wench at least twice. Time just lost our story, that's all." ~Stonecutter List, Chief Companion Historian, Hounds of Storm Wave

    "When the time came for the breaking of camp, not all crews took southwards across the rolling lands. Some turned with quick eyes back to their ships, for their hearts were bounded to the waves as sure as they were bounded to each other." ~Songs of the Return, Volume 24

    Dok Do Strun Riin

    (Hounds of Storm Wave)

    Table of Contents


    ~Chapter One: Captain's Council~

    ~Chapter Two: New Red Sabre~

    ~Chapter Three: Black Marsh~

    *Contains adult themes, graphic violence and some language.

  • Member
    November 9, 2015
    I apologize for the lengthy delay in posting. I have three chapters finished and 90% edited. A work schedule change threw me off pace, and to be honest, I started a re-read of the Malazan Books of the Fallen...I despair in the face of such an addiction! And, of course, a massive sense of inadequacy... Hopefully I'll find motivation again soon!
  • November 9, 2015

    Would love to see this story continue. You'll find your path.