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The Last of the Order

  • Member
    July 9, 2015

    There were... screams. Crying. The ring of steel, two swords locked together in fierce combat, somewhere not far off. Faintly, the sounds of a fire crackling, the popping of wood as it buckled and broke under the stress. There was more, though... there, in the faintest of voices near in the darkness.

    "When the Snow Tower lies sundered," a voice began, the clash of steel growing closer, "kingless!" Another clash of steel, louder than before, grunting. "bleeding!" This time there was no clash of steel, but the sickening squelch of steel entering flesh. Silence, the sound of a body slumping to the floor, footsteps, and then closer. "The World-Eater wakes," and Drego felt a firm hand around his neck, hoisting him up off his knees like the vengeful hand of a Divine, "and the Wheel turns upon the Last Dragonborn."

    The sound of carriage wheels next, creaking along an uneven and bumpy road, the jostling off a carriage stirred Drego's eyes open. Slowly, at first - the light of morning was too much for him. It felt as if his eyes hadn't been opened in years. He could see his hands, bound in leather strips, and three other pairs of feet sat with him. He looked straight ahead, into the eyes of a man who had the appearance of any heroic Nord: blue eyes with flowing blonde hair, thick muscles cloaked in furs, and all the signs of too much fighting for one lifetime.

    "Good. You're finally awake."

    ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


    The Last of the Order - or TOLO, as I call it - is based on an old forum roleplay I made years ago that I recently decided to resurrect as a writing exercise. It is the novelization of my playthrough of Skyrim, as it happens. In order to keep it interesting, many of the scripted scenes (especially those pre-Western Watchtower)  have been redone to add more context and an overall better experience. I also like to include in-game screenshots throughout my posts just for better visual effect. Please, comment below with any opinions/advice! I'd love to hear them.

    ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

    Table of Contents

    Book One: The Awakening
    Part I - The Standing Stones
    Part II - The Road Ahead
    Part III - Dragonsreach
    Part IV - Return to Riverwood
    Part V - Of Blood and Snow

    Note: As Parts I-V were made prior to posting here and were converted over, at this time, Parts III-V are unavailable. Each day, I'll be making another public, in order to follow the rules. Sorry if you click a dead link! Necromancy is in progress.

    ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

    Fun Facts

    Game Location: Bleak Falls Barrow
    Character Level: 2
    Word Count: 8,914

  • Member
    July 9, 2015

    Looking Good Kenn

    Welcome to Tamriel Tales. If you have any questions then don't hesitate to ask.