The Story Corner » Discussions

TSC - Skype Chat Sesson

  • Member
    February 21, 2015

    An event we're completely making up as we go!

    DATE ~ 2/25/15 (Wednesday)

    TIME ~ 8:00 PM (Eastern Time)

    NOTE: We will plan for the event to be an hour, but there is no set time limit

    The Story Corner will be hosting a live chat session over Skype for anyone who desires to join! It's a chance for writers and readers to talk about... whatever the heck. Bellow is a list of topics that have been suggested:

    How to write good scenes and dialogue

    How to stay focused on a project

    What makes a good character

    We are still taking new topics, if you've got ideas. Share what you'd like to discuss in the comments below!


    If the current date doesn't for you, please let us know. This is OUR event, so let's find a way to make it work for as many folks as we can!


    Just post your Skype account info in the discussion or PM me. I'll invite you to the writer's chat group. If you're already a part of the group, you're set to go! 

  • Member
    February 24, 2015

    A reminder to folks: the chat session will be happening tomorrow! 8:00 PM Eastern Time!

    We're still open for suggestions or feedback. Speak now or forever hold your peace. :P