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Analyze a Blog: Freystein's Tale

  • Member
    April 23, 2014

    Hey, Okan-Zeeus here, starting up a belated discussion on the blog Freystein's Tale. Ask the author any questions and discuss the blog here.

    Other Blog Analysis

    Freystein's Tale TOC

  • Member
    April 23, 2014

    You wouldn't spoil us, would you? I kinda want to ask what how Freystein's vampire bite will develop. I really liked how slyly that was done, him dismissing it as Spriggan wounds. Part of me would really like to see what would happen if he became a vampire, but I suspect that won't be the case. So I'm more speculating/giving props than asking anything.

  • Member
    May 14, 2014

    Hi! Sorry for the long delay in response. I think someone forgot to tell me my blog was being analyzed... or I missed the notification with all the stress going on in my life right now (surgeries, moves, work chaos... it's not every day your co-workers get dragged away in handcuffs... and so on...)

    Anyway, I'm making excuses... bad form of me, I am ashamed.

    To answer your question, I have no plans for Freystrein to become a vampire just now... but I do have some plans for ... other... consequences of that night's 'fun'. Once I have time to write again, that is. Or time to play the game.

    I'm glad you've enjoyed the tale so far, and I promise that I plan on continuing it once I get settled in a new apartment.

  • Member
    May 14, 2014

    When did this happen? I mean, obviously it happened April 23, but where was I?