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The El-Anu: Chapter 1-The Creation of Nirn

  • Member
    April 10, 2014
    This came about from a post by Bryn on the Kinetically-Interlinked Nirnian about creating our own Lore, and that I have done, I present to you my version of Nirn's creation, and I may do more of my own lore. In the beginning, there was the Void, complete and utter chaos. In this Void, there existed three beings, Anuriel/Anu, the Aspect of Order and Life, her brother, Pandomay, an aspect of the Void, and Aspect of Strife and Death, and finally, the Hist, a sentient mass of energy, that sat in the center of it all. Over time, Anu decided to leave the Void, and thus, she created one who she could birth a new world with. She created Lorkhan, and together, they had a child, which they named Magnus, and he, in turn, created beings of Order, the Aedra, while Pandomay created beings of Change, the Daedra, who aided them in creating the world, which we know as Nirn. Magnus helped his father and mother plot out how Mundus would be created. Lorkhan used his grandchildren's energy to power the formation of the flora, fauna, oceans, and all aspects of the plane of existence known as Mundus. Horrified and enraged at what their grandsire had done, Akatosh dueled his grandfather, and tore out his heart, hurtling it on an arrow into the deepest depths on Nirn, and fled with his sibilings to Aetherius, the home they had created, alongside Magnus and his Magna Ge. Their own children, the Elhonfey, lost their immortality,and became mortal, becoming the races we know as the Mer. Magnus had planted the seed of life onto the earth, and from it grew Men. The beast races came from ordinary lizards and cats being exposed to the energy that fell from the decaying body of Lorkhan, which became Secunda and Masser. To be continued....
  • April 10, 2014


  • Member
    April 10, 2014

    Shouldn't stories be blogs, not discussions?

  • Member
    April 10, 2014

    I'm not sure if this qualifies as a story. Can be interesting if made into blog series, but I can see it as a discussion as well. Up to the group hosts really

  • Member
    April 10, 2014
    Kyrielle suggested I put this on here
  • Member
    April 10, 2014

    Like I said, I see it working in both ways.