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Aela The Huntress' Table of contents

  • April 8, 2014

    Hey y'all! This is my table of contents, which will be used for all of my storys. Starting with my first story that i'm working on, The Enslaved Assassin

    The Enslaved Assassin

    This is a story about a Argonian slave at the Riften docks, who escapes. The rest of the story, well... you'll have to read it yourself!

    The story is not canon with the events in TES V Skyrim, as they take place around 20 years before the Oblivion Crisis, 220 years before Skyrim!


    Part 1, Freedom

    Part 2, A New Family

  • Member
    April 8, 2014

    Looking forward to it! I used to write a lot about a [once] enslaved assassin, so I know how entertaining the concept can be!