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Ulkurz Journey In Skyrim (First Roleplay story)

  • Member
    March 30, 2014

    My name is Ulkurz an Orc from Orisinium. Trained since birth I am specialized with two handed swords, smithing and heavy armor. Although I am not a brute like most of my brother and sisters amongst our stronghold. I would sneak off on my own traveling to the near by Brenton city to learn of the vast history of Tamerial. I also came to understand the other races through their different view on history, I haven't gotten to Skyrim yet though. While amongst the Bretons I acquired what some would call a silver tongue, and with my constant travels between cities I began to use lighter armor to travel.  My devoted faith in Malacath is true but I became very interested in one other deity. Lord Hircine the Daerdric Prince of the hunt fascinates me greatly and I believe his actions are used to maintain the balance in nature. Secretly worshiping him for I know if my brothers found out I would be shunned and made an outcast.

    My escape from Helgen was successful thanks to Hadvar. Althought the Imperial soldiers tried to have me executed for no reason I still felt that I could trust Hadvar. We traveled to Riverwood together, and he explained to me of the civil war going on within Skyrim and his apologies among the Empires behalf for the misunderstanding in Helgen. I forgave him and the Empire since he did help save me from that blasted dragon. I read that they were extinct how could they be back? Hadvar seems to believe that the Stormcloaks have a dragon. I have troubles believing that of course. Well once we came to Riverwood I decided I would stay in town a few days and help the locals. But I knew I couldnt stay long, the entire reason I'm in Skyrim is to help Largashbur. After a few days of work I entered the general store to sell some junk I had acquired. After talking to Lucan about a robbery that happened I decided my last task for this town would be to get his golden claw back. This quest sent me to Bleak Falls Barrow, I remeber Hadvar mentioning the barrow and how it creeps him out because he was afraid of the drauger that lurked within, so I was weary to enter but the blood of an Orc rushing through my veins I could not resist the temptation to fight those who have been strong enough to come back from the dead. So I set off towards the barrow with my greatsword on my back and my iron armor fitted to the strongest it could be. I dare not wear one of those terrible helmets unless it is made of orichalum.

    This is my first actual roleplay build I am gonna try. I hope you like it and leave comments for me thanks

  • Member
    March 30, 2014
    Is this a build, roleplaying or a story? Be ause none of them belong here,