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The Legend of the Archangels

  • Member
    March 22, 2014
    When the world was young, The Divines realized, with their powers greatly diminished, they would need champions to safeguard Nirn in their absence. Pooling small portions of their energy together, they created eight beings, one for each Aedra, the Archangels. For Stendaar, Tyrael, Archangel of Rigteous Justice, who would aid the meek and helpless in their hour of need. For Akatosh, The Archangel of Order, patron of record keeps, warrior monks, etc. Mara gained the Archangel of Light, but, sadly, he fell to corruption, and was cast out of Aetherius. For Dibella, the Archangel of Hope, who brought cheer and hope to the people. To Arkay, the Archangel of Time, who gained the ability to manipulate time and space at will. And so on, they were made to protect Mundus. When Tiber Septim ascended to Talos, he too, made an avatar, but that, is a tale for another day......
  • March 23, 2014

    Ahh, the Diablo 3 reference. I expect an Argonian Witch Doctor.

  • Member
    March 23, 2014
    I just like. Tyrael as a character, the guy is badass, he friggin ripped his own wings off, that takes some balls. Granted, I don't know if archangels even have reproductive organs, maybe in human form