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Analyze a Blog: Alcarien's Accounts

  • February 11, 2014

    Here is the Analyze a Blog for week two, this one will focus on Chronicler's story. As before, Chronicler will answer any questions you have about the story, ask away!

    Other blog analysis


  • Member
    February 11, 2014

    Hey, everyone! As Soneca said, I'd be mooooore than happy to answer questions, discuss the story so far, the characters, future ideas- Anything at all!

  • February 11, 2014

    What made you choose a Dunmer as the Dragonborn?

  • Member
    February 11, 2014

    What exxxxxxxactly makes you think he's the Dragonborn?

    Despite his quuueessstionable motives- which are yet to be revealed- he is definitely a character I've had in my head for awhile. As for his being a Dunmer, there are several reasons. First, that made the most sense to me build-wise (I did use him in a playthrough, so there's that.) Also, I felt it was a good thing to place Alcarien, a High Elf, opposite the prisoner, a Dark Elf. Two Elves driving the plot. And then, it sort of tags along with the whole Stormcloak-Dunmer dynamic. That drove a lot of the prisoner's earlier actions, and though that will lose focus as his primary motive, it will still provide some more friction between him and Hoster.

  • February 11, 2014

    Alright, I think I follow.

  • Member
    February 12, 2014

    He modeled the character after me, obviously. 

  • Member
    February 12, 2014

    You'll see about the Dunmer!

    I know that was rather quick, and honestly, a pretty pathetic way to go. I actually really liked Elsiv, but her death will be important both in influencing the group's immediate actions and future actions.