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An Elder Scrolls Story By Anagar: Black Ash

  • January 29, 2014

    Sorry if this is small, Im just starting this story and don't really have mush to put at the moment. Black Ash will follow the story of Antheis Ven, a dark elf from Morrowind who is descended from the Neriverine. He will soon discover however that a great new threat is returning to Morrowind, the power of the tribunal has returned in the form of Veloth Tel, a powerful Telvanni mage, entrusted with this power, and corrupted by it. Now amassing his his forces in the heart of Vvardenfell. If there are any corrections that need to be made in the lore of this story please dont hesitate to tell me so that I can correct them. i want to make this released in parts, one per week, this gives me more time to work on the chapters and such. This story might evolve in to a large multi chapter thing, so please look for more details on this story.


    Chapter 1

  • Member
    January 29, 2014

    Cool, thanks for following the steps.  I'll add this to the A-C page.