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Samjt's Skyrim Saga

  • Member
    October 23, 2013

    This is the story of a young Breton lad called Mern; apprentice to the terrible Sild the Warlock, who wishes for adventure. In this tale of misery and merriment, fate and fortune, love and loathing, Mern must find his way through the harsh world of Nirn. Will his hardships lead only to disappointment? Or will he at last find peace, safe from his demons and enemies? Only time will tell, as the warlock’s apprentice begins his journey…


    Chapter 1 - A New Day

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Part 4

    Chapter 2 - Braxus and Locks (Coming soon!)

  • October 23, 2013
    I took a look at the story sam, seems nice, should I also make a post here telling the group about my story?
  • October 23, 2013
    Thx i will do that asap
  • Member
    October 25, 2013

    I like the title font!!!

    This is a good story too, I can't figure out why he stays!!!  Can't wait for it to be reveled!

  • Member
    October 25, 2013
    Thanks Laurie! You'll know why soon...
  • Member
    October 26, 2013
    Part 2 is up! Mern begins his journey to Whiterun, exploring the plains surrounding the sprawling city...
  • Member
    November 3, 2013

    Part 3! Longest part yet. Mern's various encounters in the big city of Whiterun!

  • November 8, 2013

    I've read all of what you posted so far and it's really good. For some reason it's much easier to read than many other blogs, and I really like how the main character isn't starting out as the ultimate badass of all Tamriel

    There's tension to it. I can't wait for the next post, totally got me hooked. Keep it up.

  • Member
    November 8, 2013
    Thanks Aramthyx! I'm hoping to get the next out tomorrow, or Sunday at the latest. I do most of my writing at the weekend, so it'll be around then.
  • Member
    November 9, 2013
    Sorry, I keep spelling your name wrong... I'll get it right eventually. :)