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The Dragon's Daughter: Celandine's Tale

  • November 5, 2011

    I'm guaranteed to get spammy with this, so to avoid that, I'll jump on the bandwagon and do this:

    Do let me know what you think. My character's inclination aside, I'm going for an informal approach and writing entirely in the first person - given the Nordic tone of Skyrim, I find it fitting to follow the verbal tradition! Also keeping to shorter chapters, like most of you seem to be doing; despite the temptation to sit here for several hours and write a single HUGE post, I think this flows nicely and encourages reading the whole thing.

    Hope you enjoy. <3

  • November 6, 2011

    hahaha I know that feeling, thanks for posting this is one of the better first person stories I've read in ages.

  • November 6, 2011

    Very well thought out and extremely well written back-story enjoyed reading it quite a lot

  • November 7, 2011

    As on Monday the 7th, Arthur Keen has posted three chapters, in addition to the introduction.  I recommend them all, and look forward to more!