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Tai - Her very own Prologue

  • August 27, 2012

    The forests were still. It was as though Valenwood itself had frozen, mourning in anticipation of the events about to pass. She was bent in a crouch, high up and hidden by the shadows cast by the draping greenery. One hand was wrapped about a branch above, more for comfort than for fear she might fall. Her dark eyes were set upon the scene unfolding within the glade, but a gentle breeze played through the leaves and drew her attention to the right. Her eyes found Saylen mirroring her behaviour, his own attention fixated upon the approaching Thalmor. It was a comfort to know he was so close, while you wouldn’t think it to meet him –since he generally acted like such a massive tit- his skill in archery was unmatched and his very presence inspired confidence. The other members of the Bosmer rebellion were dotted about the area, their pounding hearts matching the rhythm of her own. Stealth had befriended them and their locations eluded her, yet she could feel their presence, sense their motives and there was no doubt that when the time came the rebellion would act as one....................

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    ( hope i've done that right! )