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WiP Event Build: The Yum Yum Nuka Cherry Bomb!

Tags: #Character Build Daredevil  #Event: Survival Boot Camp 
  • September 2, 2018

    Cherry Bomb: 1. A muffler that attaches to the downpipe or exhaust header. Serves no other purpose but to make the vehicle extremely loud. 2. A cherry bomb is a dangerous firework and considered an illegal explosive device in the United States and most other countries. Cherry bombs are commonly round, approximately one inch (2.5 cm) in diameter, colored red with a green fuse sticking out.  3. A crazy/wild female. Typically from the ages of 15-25. 

    Okay, so I have a big problem with Survival Mode now. I love it, don't get me wrong, but because I have a bad bug on my PS4 that messes with my autosaves, as in, it doesn't let them happen, this poses a big challenge on Survival Mode, which uses ALL autosaves. I've been messing with a survival build for a while that was just pure silliness, and yes shotguns, always shotguns, but I have lost HOURS of hardwork because of the bug. At the same time, however, I wanted to do the event, so I devised a sort of Survivalesque build that can be played (with care) on actual Survival Mode, but I can playtest it now on Hard or Very hard and I can permanently disable autosaves. 

    This means I'm only manual saving, which results in bug-free playing, but damn, you forget how autosaves can save your butt sometimes. 

    I have weird, weird tastes in film. I got this crazy idea from watching the old movies featuring Anna May Wong, an actress specializing in noir films of the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, typically playing that "Dragon Lady" archtype from that genera. I wanted to make this noir vibe, give her a shotgun, a criminal past, and have her restablish herself as the Commonwealth's loud new crime boss. So turn your Diamond City Radio to full blast and get ready for a crazy combination of shotguns, Creation Club Content, hypnotizing animal and people control allure, pipe weaponry, explosives, revenge against Eddie Winter, romancing Porter Gage, and all in a tiny, colorful package that I hope will bring a smile to your face. It's what a girl's gotta do when she can't go shopping! 

    Little cherry blossom packs a boom boom, smack smack, punch punch! High charisma, bombs, pickpocket, shotguns,and I'll fill in the details later. 

    To do: 

    1. Finish playtest

    2. Finish the art, though you get the idea of the concept from above. Need to use VATS for a spell to get nice action screenies.

    3. Make a video

    4. Have fun

  • Member
    September 2, 2018
    Based on your handy definition of cherry bomb, I think I can see how you plan to work 2 and 3 in, but I'm really looking forward to how the first definition gets woven into this build. Not sure about anyone else but I find mufflers to be exactly where it's at! All about the exhaust pipe, all the time :P Joking, of course. I'd change number 4 on your to do list and move it right to the number one spot.
  • September 3, 2018
    Haha, the first just means she’ll be very loud. But yeah, gonna play with skills I’ve never used before, namely high charisma pacify perks and pickpocket. I can think of no better way for Yum yum to work than to plant bombs. :D In people’s pants. Besides, I want a certain feather dress and since I can’t buy it, or install a mod that lets me have it, I gotta steal it from off of Irma. :P
  • Member
    September 9, 2018

    Awwww yes. I'm a big fan of the Demolition and Pickpocket perks. One of my favorite playthroughs ever was kind of a junkyard Robin Hood who was a big fan of planting mines and tucking grenades into pockets. He'd also pickpocket fusion cores out of Power Armor, then jam the core back in once the pilot was far enough away, climb in himself, and trash the base in his new ride. :D

  • September 10, 2018

    Mercurias said:

    Awwww yes. I'm a big fan of the Demolition and Pickpocket perks. One of my favorite playthroughs ever was kind of a junkyard Robin Hood who was a big fan of planting mines and tucking grenades into pockets. He'd also pickpocket fusion cores out of Power Armor, then jam the core back in once the pilot was far enough away, climb in himself, and trash the base in his new ride. :D

    Yeah, I'm excited about this build too. Level 26. Didn't think to include pickpocket and bombs until a bit late in the game, but I'm slowly getting to the point. 

  • September 14, 2018

    Working on this slowly but surely.