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Greatest Hits!

    • 668 posts
    June 6, 2012 10:17 PM EDT

    Since we only have a few days left, I want us to get all nostalgic here. Post your favorite conversation, your best memory, what this site has given you...anything about what the site meant to you that you want to share.

    To me, I learned a lot about the world and met some fantastic friends. I also learned to love you guys. I'll miss this site so very much.

    R.I.P. Skyrim Blog

    • 668 posts
    June 6, 2012 10:26 PM EDT

    I'll start.

    First, I want to say thank you to Ky for convincing me not to give up on this site months ago. She was right as her divine self always is. :)

    I also want to say thank you to every single person on here that has made my life so much richer. I have enjoyed getting to know everyone on here. This has been a second home to me and a place I have looked forward to visiting. I learned so much, like the fact that Dutch people wear mullets too, I learned that Asverze likes to swear, Bilal looks awesome in blonde locks, dragons like Skittles, there is so much more that you can do with cucumbers than I ever wanted to know, foxes truly are sly, dogs are well...dogs, blacksmiths can survive for an unlimited amount of time in a dragon belly, Batman lives in Australia, big fish poop a LOT, some guys like to dress like Grammas but can somehow still be cool, old rockers still rock (not Mick Jagger tho)..., and sooooooooooo much more.

    Goodbye blog.

    • 54 posts
    June 6, 2012 11:25 PM EDT

    Jaundice McYellow *shudders*