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    • 342 posts
    June 3, 2012 6:35 AM EDT

    Okies so this one has been kicking around my head for awhile now and with a few other people suggesting it as well, I think its time to kick off the Blog's very own round robin!

    (yes I know that's not a robin:P)

    Now for those that don't know what that is, it is basically a story written by a collective of people. One person will write a bit then a another person will write a bit and so on and so on.

    Rules of the game (to be followed or you can't play)

    Each post turn is to be no more then 200 words
    Refrain from gratuitous graphic imagery or profanity.

    No double posting unless there has been a lapse of 1 hour(s) between posts.
    Comments (not story segments) are to be written in Italics

    Like most good tales this one takes place in a far away land that you have probably never heard of and there for have no way of disputing its claims. And like all good tales this one is about......