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Bad, bad date!

    • 668 posts
    May 19, 2012 1:05 AM EDT

    I was just laughing with my sister earlier about the worst double non-date in history that the two of us shared. I thought it would be really fun to hear your worst/most embarrassing/funniest dating story. 

    Soooo, Wendy, my little sis, decided that we should go see this band play because she thought they were super hot (and not in a talented way.) She calls me up and wants me to go out with her boyfriend Mike,and a friend of his, David. I told her that would be cool but it was NOT, IN NO WAY, a date between David and I. I had never met the guy and did not do blind dates, NO! So she promised to tell him no date between he and I. They show up a few hours later, David with roses for me. Bad start already. I thank him, then reiterate the NO DATE thing. He agrees and off we all go. David drives.

    We get to the club and Wendy and I are dancing. Three creeps surround us and start rubbing on us. We shoot them evil looks and dance away. The band ends their set, so back to the table we go. David and Mike are getting way, way drunk. David was bitter and angry that I was not paying attention to him at all and was making really evil remarks to me. I was like ok, bathroom to get away. I get down the hall and one of the creepy freaks that was trying to molest my sister and I grabs me by the arm and tries to drag me out the back exit. I was trying frantically to pull away when the men's restroom door suddenly opens and the lead singer of the band comes strutting out. He sees psycho bodily dragging me out of the club and punches him lights out and throws him out the door. My HERO, for sure!  

    I take singer boy back to our table where we get to know each other a little before his next set. The whole time David is shooting daggers at me. Did I NOT tell this guy we were NOT on a date?! I think I did. So, singer gets up to go back onstage and Mike leans over to tell Wendy something and pukes ALL OVER HER (my clothes that she borrowed for the night of course.) Then, back to the bathroom with us. Wendy is steadily throwing up because she was thrown up on. After getting her (somewhat) cleaned up we decide to just leave. The night was going shitty anyway.

    As we are in the parking lot trying to get in David's car, I am begging him for the keys as he is beyond drunk. He starts calling me a whore and other worse names and trying to hit me. Mike is staggering and wobbling all over the parking lot then passes out. My sis and I drag him into the car and barely get him in the front seat. The whole time David is cursing me out big time and refused adamantly to let anyone else drive. We finally just say screw it and get in.

    Down the road we go, and he is weaving all over the place, slapping at me in the backseat and calling me everything he can think to. Then BAM!!! hits a parked car, pulls the wheel violently and SLAM!! into another. I yell for him to let us out and he just starts purposefully smashing parked cars and the side of a bridge the whole 30 minute drive back home. 

    We finally, thank all that is good and holy, made it back home where David immediately passes out behind the wheel and rams a light pole. My sis and I drag Mike out of the car and leave him on the curb. He is still completely passed out. Then we drag David out of the car. As he comes to, he sees the two sisters standing above him with 2x4s that we found in the neighbor's yard. We proceeded to beat that jerk within a millimeter of his worthless life with them. 

    So that is my LONG, HORRIBLE date story. I hope you have enjoyed it. Please share yours! 

    • 342 posts
    May 19, 2012 1:38 AM EDT

    some people are just really really stupid (David).

    I would have left them at the club and taken a cab home. I really don't understand the need to get that drunk while you are out.

    Sorry I don't have any bad dating stories to share.

    • 377 posts
    May 19, 2012 4:25 AM EDT

    It boggles my mind why you ever went into the car when the driver was plastered. He was a complete asshole to you, why not car call the cops on a drunk driver? Rage + alcohol = disaster.

    Don't get into to a car with a drunk driver. Call a friend or a cab. Take the bus or walk.

    I think your worse date ( but technically it wasn't a date cuz you said it wasn't a date) story takes the cake, sister. You win. Congrats.

    • 952 posts
    May 19, 2012 5:19 AM EDT

    Wow, have you considerd making a comedy movie out of that story, it would sell bigtime.

    • 668 posts
    May 19, 2012 9:46 AM EDT

    Yeah, well not a place you can get a cab at 3:00 in the morning or we def would've.

    And oh, yeah stupid does not begin to cover it.

    • 668 posts
    May 19, 2012 9:50 AM EDT

    Good idea on the bus or walk except that it was very far away and way too late for a bus. There really was no other way to get home from this place other than him. Maybe we should have beaten him up sooner and stolen his keys.

    You didn't share a story of your own tho, lane so I am assuming you married your first date.

    • 668 posts
    May 19, 2012 9:53 AM EDT

    Dieter only you would think that night was funny. Well, there was one funny part, David getting his ass beat by two girls dressed to the nines (one smelling wholly of vomit.)

    • 952 posts
    May 19, 2012 9:55 AM EDT

    I don't mean it's like funny funny, but every comedy film has some tragic part about it, and it seems that your story is just about suited for that role.

    • 668 posts
    May 19, 2012 10:02 AM EDT

    Ok, you budget and produce and I'll cast. I don't know what actress will volunteer to be puked on twice but we'll work on it.

    So you didn't share a story either. I am the ONLY person here that has had a bad date night??! Now I feel bad because I've had a few. One guy took me to a NASCAR race on our first date and he was so boring and the race lasted forevs and it was boring as F!!! I despise motorsports. Dad used to build drag engines for a living and would force us to go to the race tracks every Saturday and Wednesday. But at least drag races are fast. Sheesh! Nascar is like watching paint dry. BORINGSVILLE!

    • 952 posts
    May 19, 2012 11:35 AM EDT

    I like races, but anyhow, I'm only 18, so I haven't been on that much dates and the ones I had went kinda okay. I'm sorry Shannon, but it seems you are indeed the only one with so many bad dates.

    ps. I think we can use the actress that plays that ugly blonde woman in Sex and the City. The one that writes or something.

    • 377 posts
    May 19, 2012 12:16 PM EDT

    I didn't share any stories cuz they weren't horror stories like yours. The worst I can complain of is not having chemistry or I didn't like her as a person or personality. I'm picky when it comes to personality.

    The awkward silence and I'm pushing whatever small conversation there was. Done, next. Can I rant about ugly stalkers or crazy ex-girlfriends not leaving me alone? It's not technically a date. But even then if I rant about those, yours still takes the cake.

    • 377 posts
    May 19, 2012 12:19 PM EDT

    It be more of "The Hangover" funny.

    • 377 posts
    May 19, 2012 12:30 PM EDT

    NASCAR!!??? SERIOUSLY??!!! Shannon, where the hell do you find these people? Geez Louize!

    • 952 posts
    May 19, 2012 2:22 PM EDT

    Here you can get a cab at anytime you want, as long as you give them a call ofcourse. Drunk people use them all the time to get home.

  • May 19, 2012 3:57 PM EDT

    Lol, wow. Have to say, why did your sister bring David? Does she know him? He seems like he'd be a complete ass even when he isn't drunk.

    Sorry, I guess your life is just more tragic and extreme than others  I'm only 13 so um... No dates lol.

    Hmmm, beat to a millimeter within his life? That reminds me of someone...  Not nearly as bad though, he did pretty much deserve it. Crazy story! I think I agree with Lanep, this sounds like a something from a comedy movie.

    • 966 posts
    May 19, 2012 6:10 PM EDT

    What kind of people do you and your sister hang out with? I mean, really, who gets drunk so soon?!

    And what exactly do you mean by date? If you mean the sort of calling up people asking if they want to go to a restuarant, then very rarely.

    But if you mean going to the club looking if there's someone you can take home?...


    • 668 posts
    May 19, 2012 10:29 PM EDT

    If you use an ugly woman for my sister, she will most likely kill you. Just a fair warning! The last guy that messed with her got his butt kicked with his own hard hat and car door.

    • 668 posts
    May 19, 2012 10:31 PM EDT

    It was a first date and I had just met the guy the night before in my defense. He seemed sane enough at that time.

    • 668 posts
    May 19, 2012 10:36 PM EDT

    NO, my sister did not bring David. He was her boyfriend's friend. And for the record the guy is now her husband. Yes, she did marry the guy who puked all over her.

    Who else got beat to a millimeter of their life? I want to hear this "crazy story!" as you call it.

    Would a comedy end with the guy getting bludgeoned with 2x4s by two extremely enraged hot girls?? Ok, it might at that. So write the screenplay and we will make a fortune then. The Hangover femme style.

    • 668 posts
    May 19, 2012 10:39 PM EDT

    Whoa, Alduin, wait, as I stated earlier, I did not know this guy at all and she had only been dating Mike a few weeks. Mike's friend! I knew neither of them. My friends are all awesome people. You should know being one of them.

    Oh god, I guess I mean whatever constitutes dating in your insane world. I'm sure we have not heard the worst of your dating stories and the one I heard includes dogs and thievery. 

    • 966 posts
    May 19, 2012 10:52 PM EDT

    Thievery? Oh yeah, the Fridge.

    I hope your friends can hold in some proper whiskey then

    • 668 posts
    May 19, 2012 11:53 PM EDT

    I love  how you just "forget" you took her food. Typical dragon.

    My friends can party with the best of them.

    • 966 posts
    May 20, 2012 12:04 AM EDT

    Well, they should come over to Netherlands then

    • 668 posts
    May 20, 2012 12:25 AM EDT

    You'd just get them into trouble or dog bit or something...

  • May 20, 2012 10:15 AM EDT

    Alright, that makes sense.

    Lol, the crazy story was referring to yours and I was hinting at your father beating you and your sisters. It's like a family gene

    Lol, great. Now let's get this started. Chop-chop! Anyone got millions of dollars?