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    • 577 posts
    April 29, 2012 12:14 AM EDT

    Do you find yourself gettin' a game that happens to be not that great or didn't meet up to expectations?, but you must stick it out till the end? And in doing so, just finding yourself "why did I even start this?" Is it a pet-peeve of yours to make sure you've completed it all the way and watch the credits?

    I have Kingdoms of Amular, and it's a decent game, but I haven't played it in a while. Not sure what it is, but may have a feeling that it won't get completed. I have a gamer friend that ALWAYS completes his games. Even if he feels he really doesn't like the game that much and he's lost intrest; "I have to finish games. Drives me crazy if I just get halfway through and leave. Even if it's turned for the worst. As much as I may be burnt out from it, it must be finish!"

    Share some of your experiences on "Finishing Games". Did it take you a year long break to finally come back and mop things up? or maybe there's a dry spell in buying games and you went back to finish up some unfinished buisness?

    • 342 posts
    April 29, 2012 12:52 AM EDT

    hahaha i find myself doing this all the time, one of them even took me up to 2 years to pick up and complete after i started it. but then I also do this with most things like books and movies (see exhibit A twilight on both accounts)

    though sometimes i've found that if i stick it out just a little bit longer then game play or the story or something about it picks up and i'll go huh that wasn't so bad.

    actually to date i don't think i've ever finished a final fantasy game, though i love them to bits i get about 3/4 of the way through and they just sit there waiting for me to go back to them. hehe sometimes i imagine my games get this face

    you try saying no to that.

    • 856 posts
    April 29, 2012 12:27 PM EDT

    I have no problem putting down a game that I've lost interest in.  When I was younger I had to finish every game.  But now that I am older, I rarely finish any thing that I

    • 133 posts
    April 29, 2012 12:39 PM EDT

    I know this feeling. I have a lot of games on my shelves, just mocking me, remembering me of thousands of Reais wasted away and defying to come back and finish them. But I resist. I've never had any difficulty in turning down a challenge, and those silly games are just losing their time with me. I know I didn't finish them for a reason.

    • 426 posts
    April 29, 2012 2:22 PM EDT

    I dont know really. I think if I have completed a game it usually because it has gripped my interest enough I have a number of titles that I started and because of a particular mechanic or gameplay, button configuration it can be the simplest of things that can ruin my experience and ultimately stop me playing. 

    A good example I think for me would be Prototype. I really enjoyed the first half of the game. I couldn't get enough of the abilities and the way the game worked. It was one mission were you had to protect and escort a tank I think. It just really stopped the flow and I couldn't bring myself to try it over and over. That type of level really wasn't needed in the game and once my feelings change from enjoyment into frustration I tend to step away from it.

  • April 29, 2012 2:38 PM EDT

    Lol, this is why I heavily research whether I really want a game or not. It also helps that I can't just walk into a gamespot and say "hey, this looks good" and just buy it. Since I'm a PC player I always get my games from Steam or Amazon nowadays.

    I do remember barely playing Two Worlds hardly at all, but that was on a whim at a Gamestop when I was a console player soooo...

    I also get games fairly rarely so, I want to make sure I play it a good amount. Though now that ya mention it I haven't gotten very far in any of my Shogun 2 Campaigns... Need a good person to play it with

    • 132 posts
    April 29, 2012 7:11 PM EDT

    I almost never end up with duds, so for the most part I never have to slog through to finish a game. That said, there are a few games in my box that I beat before but probably will never pick up again. I was quite pissed that you can't import your gamerscore when you sign up for XBL -.-

    • 577 posts
    April 29, 2012 7:30 PM EDT

    Button configuration and mechanics can be a burdensome. I would agree that the 'small' things will turn me off also. Something you really don't know till you get the game. For example, I have somewhat of a hardtime with Dark Souls. I would let it slide a little bit, but you're constantly getting killed, so stems the frustration. It's like once you've gotten the controls down, you've died soooo many times, I just throw the towel in. lol I'm still not done with that game though. It's just not that inviting. lol

    • 577 posts
    April 29, 2012 7:32 PM EDT

    Really? if you get acheivments without XBL on, it won't carry over? did not know that.....(if that's what you mean)

    • 132 posts
    April 29, 2012 7:36 PM EDT

    Nah, it was when I played offline. You have to create a new account for XBL, so nothing carries over from before. I had about 10,000 gamerscore, and 2 completed games -.-

    • 577 posts
    April 29, 2012 7:43 PM EDT

    I can always do heavy research, but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, small things can turn me off. Half-ass sound and dialog, mechanics, etc. Two Worlds was horrible, but I was a sucker for just wanting an open world experience. I'm not sure I got 2hrs out of that game. lol All the little shit bothered the hell out of bad I don't even remember them! I've blocked them out for good! lol

    That's good you rarely get games, in a sense, cause you REALLY have to make sure it's a gem. That's another thing, if you're waiting for killer titles and they happen to come out a month/weeks apart, it can overload you.....cause I'll have to have them right away!! When I should wait till I complete the game I'm currently on. Jugglin' games can lead to 'incompletes' least for me. lol

    • 577 posts
    April 29, 2012 7:46 PM EDT

    Sounds like you have some redemption to take care of!! Those games are calling you weak?! Don't take it!! lol

    • 577 posts
    April 29, 2012 7:48 PM EDT

    That's pretty rough,'ve made me sad now....

    • 577 posts
    April 29, 2012 7:50 PM EDT

    Ouch! that's rough!!

    • 132 posts
    April 29, 2012 8:00 PM EDT

    Heh, 1 of the completed games was Oblivion, so I got that right back. The other one was enjoyable at the time, and I pretty much got all the achievements within a week (Which isn't as bad as it sounds, they are pretty easy). After that, I couldn't muster up any enthusiasm for it, and so it sits, about 100 gamerscore in.

    • 577 posts
    April 29, 2012 8:05 PM EDT

    yeah, my Oblivion score is maybe 60? I played it on PC and when I got an xbox, I bought it just for nostalgia reasons. Had a hard time getting into it...put soooo many hrs on my PC. Wish I could transfer over from my computer. That would be sweet!!! lol I miss my old buddy. I actually still have him save on here. lol!!

    • 132 posts
    April 29, 2012 8:11 PM EDT

    Jealoooooussss....but lol Oblivion is probably the easiest game to complete gamerscore-wise ever! You only have to complete the guild and main questlines, and that's it, no searching far and wide for Daedric shrines, no reaching max level, nothing. Ah, the nostalgia is coming back...goddamnit I wish Skyrim armor wasn't so furry lol

    • 27 posts
    April 29, 2012 8:53 PM EDT

    omg i know its such a good way to rack up some GS only for one problem.......well a few after i finshed the fighter guild i got the guild master Achevment but not the one before it so i stoped playing ES3 for that and that was the 2nd time i played the quest lines do to a glitch that made it to where i could not finish the quests this problem also happend to me in the theifs guild...... i had to talk to the Gray Fox but he wasnt in the houes i could hear him breathing but could not see him........any way back to Skyrim it seems that every time i come to close to anyone in game i get a new quest that makes me run into other NPCs that have crap work that they could........but being a yes man just to get every posabule thing done i have amounted an mountin of things to do....... i dought ill ever get every thing in ES3 i was talking to one of my buddys that had the game and we were talking about it and he started talking about how he had done every thing in the game but i hadnt heard of some of the stuff he was talking about and vic verca.

    • 27 posts
    April 29, 2012 9:04 PM EDT

    2worlds.......i could talk all day about how much crap they put into this game that was not good.......Oooohhh and on the back of the game case it clearly states that the game is an ES3 killer or was it ES3 on juice lol.....ny way i played to about  1/4 of the game and could not take any more the voice acting was crap......thats one of the biggest things for me......if the game has B list move scrip im out!!!!!!!!!!!!

     theres way more bad wrong crapy and (othere words id rather not say on here) just down right flat out in the mud hellishly terrafing things in the game i dare not get started more then i had already......

     if you take one thing away form this DO NOT PLAY (2 WORLDS) IT WILL KILL YOUR MIND 

    • 377 posts
    April 29, 2012 9:48 PM EDT

    lol funny you mention 2 worlds. It looked somewhat interesting so I DL'ed the demo, and ... ya.

    The voice acting is ... god.. horrible. After playing the demo I lost complete interest.