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Help me build or buy a gaming PC

    • 82 posts
    March 28, 2012 10:44 AM EDT

    So I am a PC gamer at heart.  Recently I've had to resort to my PS3 because my laptop is just unable to play games.  So now I am saving and looking into either building a gaming PC or buying one. 

    I am looking for advice.  I will probably move back towards a desktop because since I made the move to laptops the hardware just doesn't keep up well.  At least with a desktop I can upgrade it. 

    So if you recommend buying, what brands would you recommend.  I've been looking into the large number of custom gaming companies out there.  Digital storm, Alienware, Origin PC etc.  Any others I should look into?  Would you recommend any of these?  Should I go with the more well known brands like HP or dell? 

    If you recommend building a desktop (I don't have any experience besides installing additional ram) what are some good guides out there to get started.  What are the parts that you recommend skimping on and what parts do you recommend breaking the bank for. 

    Thank you in advance.   

  • March 28, 2012 11:07 AM EDT

    Well, I can't do a bunch of research or anything right now but I'll give you a little advice.

    Go to, research and buy the parts and build it yourself. It saves alot of money. My PC that can run Skyrim on High with mods was around 750 and I got it about a year ago maybe. Maybe more.

    Also look at this discussion, it has alot of comments that should help you some.