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Mass effect 3 - Advice?

    • 238 posts
    March 14, 2012 12:40 PM EDT

    I realise this isnt about skyrim but iv decided to take a bit of a break from it i want to hit other games, iv looked into new vegas ultimate edition and i looked at the new mass effect on you tube and it looks sick!

    But can anyone advise ? help me used to fallouts and skyrim games the most, i like these the most because you can go and explore, you choose your path, you do missions when you

    is mass effect 3 an open game to explore, can i go from A to B to X to G.......can i pick and choose when i want to do missions, and go explore things instead? or is it a levelled game.........or is it just ...."linear" eg gears of war, MW, just a mission by mission game?

    im hoping its a free roam open world/s

    • 773 posts
    March 14, 2012 1:09 PM EDT

    Why not download the demo and give it try?

    Its OK to post on other games, but make sure to post in 'Gaming discussion' not in 'Skyrim discussion' - I moved it for you this time 

  • March 14, 2012 2:01 PM EDT

    The other gams are Mission by Mission games but I'm not entirely sure about this one. But there are side missions as well.

    But don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic RPG. I have loved all the Bioware RPGs for their Moral Systems and dialogue choices, as well as gameplay. They are the ones that made some of my other faveorite games. Both Knights of The Old Republic games, Dragon Age games, and the Mass Effect games. They do seem to be gearing more and more towards the quick buck games but so far they seem to still hold their ground as good RPGs. I personally really liked Mass Effect 2. You'll get 3rd person shooter and cover aspects, skills/powers, a good 3 or 4 playthroughs, and some great characters and dialogue things. That's the stuff that I'm very sure are in there. It's up to others to tell you the rest!

    So my advice is - read/watch the reviews, play the demo, and see what people say about it in this thread.

    But what sounds really cool is Prey 2. Bethesda's getting in on it and it looks pretty cool for a futuristic free roam RPG.

    • 77 posts
    March 14, 2012 2:16 PM EDT

    Honestly you should play the first two games before you give the last one in a five year long series a try.

    • 577 posts
    March 14, 2012 4:14 PM EDT

    Well, first off, it's not open world like Bethesda games unfortunatly:( I'm right there with ya in aspects that you can easily get used to Fallout/TES game-plays. Mainly, cause they require hundreds of hours and frankly, it seems to become the norm (well at least for me) So it can be tough when 'turning off' the mindset of TES and going to another game.

    When battling in Mass Effect, it is linear with side rooms that contain hidden weapons, health, ammos, intel, etc. Depends on how much you're willing to read, there's quite a bit of lore and info on different races and all around galacticness(i know that's not a word, so what? lol)

    It's strong points are the dialog and characters. Just like what Juilian said that it's a great RPG. There's alot of just watching. About 50/50. That may turn you off. But I love the "Moral Systems" that is invovled. THAT'S what makes it an amazing game/series. It's also really cool when you get the hang of the combat system and use your squad members in battle. Being tactical is very enjoyable

    You can do missions when ever you want or in what order, and its highly encourage to do them since you'll need all the data, allies, etc. For instances, you'll have 5 galactic systems lit up, meaning there's something needed there. There's no order in which to do them. And don't feel rushed! There's a sense at the beginning that you have to hurry up. The galaxy and all races aren't going anywhere without you. haha!! At least that's what I felt. "Shit! I'm not going to make it!!!"

    I started with ME2. Didn't play the first one. Kinda regret that, but oh well. If you can't start from the first one, definatly start with ME2. Don't just get ME3. Alot of it won't make sense really. This is just my opnion.

    Yeah, get the demo and get a feel for it. I can see it not being for everyone. Kinda has a funky combat system, but once you get it down, it's ruthless.

  • March 14, 2012 4:20 PM EDT

    I definately agree, get at least ME2 before 3.

    I haven't played ME1 and there where still some things that where kind of confusing because I didn't know what happened before but ME3 from what I've seen is even more like that.

    It's the last episode of a trilogy, at least start at the middle.

    • 238 posts
    March 14, 2012 7:43 PM EDT

    i gave the demo a go, seems like it isnt an open world game more of a mission by mission

    • 297 posts
    March 14, 2012 7:55 PM EDT

    i just finished off my mass effect 2 game today that was sitting on my floor since it's release i  picked it up last friday and put it in, and i just wanna say OH MY GAWWWD! what a game i would also advise getting me2 first and then get me3 you can pick up me2 for a steal now and trust me it's worth it me3 will wait , quite simply the game look's and feel's atmospheric and gorgeus , the alien races , while being other-worldly are believable and very diverse..

    also a good reason too play-through me2 first is it will establish your character and you will become emotionally invested in him/her ,and mass effect has a great system where-by you can import your character's across titles ie (your chracter from the me2 can be ported too me3 too keep your look and level skills etc.) which just makes the ride that much more interesting

    I am also on a break with skyrim and have turned too mass effect for distraction -great minds aye-

    • 238 posts
    March 14, 2012 8:16 PM EDT

    haha yea i tried to play me2.........i mean......i bought a pre owned version and the previous "£^$_ of a )!"£*)! owner had ruined the discs.....couldnt install them or anything onto the 360. too many marks. refund and wasnt happy. 

    maybe try again soon. is the game explorable ? i just feel that because all i ever play apart from fifa and skate 3 , is fallout 3 - new vegas - and skyrim........big open free roam worlds......i worry that i wont / cant enjoy a linear game

    • 377 posts
    March 14, 2012 11:10 PM EDT

    Mass Effect is not an open world game, but it does offer a great deal of choices to be made through out the series. The exploring is very different than Bethesda games, as it involves different worlds, solar systems, and parts of the galaxy to explore. If you going to play the Mass Effect games I strongly suggest starting from the first, else the third wont make a lot of sense and you'll be somewhat lost.

    Regarding Mass Effect 3 - Great game up until the very end, then the ending part just takes an enormous shit on the player as some kind of Bioware joke on its fans. So basically Great game, the ending sucked.

    • 377 posts
    March 14, 2012 11:13 PM EDT

    Don't go into Mass Effect thinking that it will be like TES or Fallout games, cuz they're not. But they are a lot of fun.

    • 708 posts
    March 15, 2012 1:45 AM EDT

    Apparently to get the best ending you have to play through either loads of side quests or co-op. That's something I thought was really cool, how Bioware sort of balance the playtime of singleplayer and multiplayer. Then again, that's kinda crap for the people that don't like multiplayer/don't have access to it.

    • 377 posts
    March 15, 2012 1:59 AM EDT

    No :) Just anxious! The game is great. But the ending is a cruel joke.

    • 377 posts
    March 15, 2012 2:06 AM EDT

    There is no "best" ending. My last game with it I had 7000+ war assets and the endings are the same as if they were with 5000 war assets. Lower than 5000 assets endings get worse, as in earth is destroyed and whatnot. It really sad that endings are so short and crappy. No sense of closure.

    • 577 posts
    March 15, 2012 6:00 AM EDT

    Yeah, that's the thing. It's a 50hr game, but the quality is priceless in my opinion. Haven't done the co-op/mutliplayer. Haven't even looked at it. Got a good buddy that will tackle it together, so I'm stoked on that (we're burnt on all other co-op games)

    No! Don't race throught it! It sometimes feels you need too, but it's not necessary at all.

    • 708 posts
    March 15, 2012 6:23 AM EDT

    That's one thing I sort of hated about alot of other large-scale RPGs - I feel a little silly in say ME1 exploring the whole galaxy and doing trivial stuff on some random planets when a special forces team has sent a distress signal on a mission critical channel :/

    • 297 posts
    March 15, 2012 2:17 PM EDT

    Its free roam in the case that you can traverse the galaxy too ithink like 7 planet's and you can run around the cities picking up quests and npc's for your crew etc , but it is in a more linear style but trust me you wont be dissappointed at all not once did i feel "god i wish i could go here/there" quite simply you will get soo caught up in the story you wont think of it that way,

    its a great game i cant encourage it enough ryan

    • 377 posts
    March 16, 2012 7:30 AM EDT

    Oh wishful thinking, there's even the "The Truth" DLC rumor going around. Bioware is getting so much flak from the ME fans demanding to give true endings. One can only hope, but I won't sit around holding my breath.

    • 132 posts
    March 16, 2012 10:26 AM EDT

    ME3 is much more linear than the previous installments in the series, though none of them can be described as free-roam. ME1 involves a lot of planet exploration outside the story: you can land on some uninhabited or barely inhabited planets and drive around in your tank looking for resources or the occasional side mission. It's kind of boring honestly, but my obsession with not missing any possible advantages forces me to scour every inch of a planet I land on. ME2 did away with that in favor of a much less time consuming scanning-and-probe system. People complain about both forms, but I like the scanning.

    A large portion of ME2's story revolves around picking up squad members on various planets. You have significant discretion on who you pick up first out of a starting pool, with more people available for recruiting later on. I always pick up Archangel before Mordin Solus, for example, just because Archangel is awesome.

    ME3 is considerably more linear as the main story goes: you go from species to species in a predetermined order to gather their support. I kinda wish you could have picked the order, it wouldn't have been THAT hard to do...but nevermind that. If you're like me, you put off the main story for hours doing all the random side/fetch quests. I can't readiness is at maximum, but still I have to find the antidote to the turian general's poisoning to add his unit to my fleet. I can't say that I like all the changes implemented in ME3, but I'll be damned if it isn't way more epic-feeling this time around. Stuff is exploding all the time, huge robots are blasting buildings, intense music is playing...It's great. But take everybody else's advice and play them in order, you miss a lot of context if you don't.