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The Future?

    • 773 posts
    March 8, 2012 12:37 PM EST

    What does the future hold?

    Wherever I look the indications are that activity is tailing off - less blogs, hardly any photos and videos anymore. Yes, several active Groups, but most of them have lapsed into slumber.

    And, when I look at the back end I see less people logging in, less new members, less 'hits' and less unique visitors to the site (assuming Google Analytics is at least some guide).

    So the outlook does not seem promising right now 

    I'm opening up a thread for ideas, suggestions and comment with this post as the opening post. It would good to have input from our (much appreciated) small band of 'regulars', but also input from less frequent posters, new people and those who maybe haven't posted for a while. What can we do to make the site more appealing? Are there things that could be done to increase activity? Or is it inevitable that the site will fizzle out and die?

    Your comments please 

    • 426 posts
    March 8, 2012 12:57 PM EST

    I'm not sure it's on its way out there has def been a dip in the last couple of weeks but on the other hand I have seen alot of new members still joining and people I haven't seen commenting before adding their 2p's worth. 

    I think we see the most activity when we have a group activity like the photo, daedric cats and aedra. The latest poll shows that people are still playing so maybe we need to come up with some new discussion topics that can get everyone talking again? I had a little break from posting blogs but my passion for being part of this community is just as strong as ever 

  • March 8, 2012 12:59 PM EST

    Well, it has already been established that branching out to other games is definately an option. I would think that we should branch to other Bethesda games but that depends if people think there are some other great RPGs to go to. I think though that the Bethesda games are just perfect for something like this cause they last incredibly long to play and they have so much content and replayability that it would be able to be interesting on a social site. If we do though we should probably do something like Nexusmods does, where they have essentially the same site when you change games except for the logo and colors a little bit. If, that is an option on .Ning.

    Other than that I'd have to think a bit.

    • 19 posts
    March 8, 2012 1:30 PM EST

    I think the biggest problem is the site's visibility. Maybe I just didn't look very thoroughly a few months back when I did a search for 'skyrim backstories', but I only discovered this site a couple days ago because someone linked it in his sig at the official Skyrim forums. Also, the site's title might be a bit misleading, as it might lead one to think it's just some guy's blog. And finally, I think the user blogs and groups often compete for the same content, which is hurting them both. Every blog post with a backstory, for example, is a post that didn't go in the backstory corner, creating the illusion of site inactivity to anyone viewing the group.

    My 2 septims.

    • 426 posts
    March 8, 2012 1:43 PM EST

    One thing I have noticed Paul is that alot of members are abroad and I find that the site is busier when Im in bed. I have to catch up in the morning when I get in work.

    • 77 posts
    March 8, 2012 1:45 PM EST

    Well, Mass Effect 3 just came out, so once people have played through that there might be a slight increase in activity.

    I suggested a Skyrim Blog podcast a week or so back, here's the thread: