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Next Generation: Bethesda

    • 577 posts
    February 28, 2012 9:06 AM EST

    According to this news from Gamespot, Bethesda is looking to hire new staff for next generation consoles. I'm excited about this. It leads to new questions; Do game studios have the "in's" on what is needed for the new consoles? I would assume that game developers would need to know what/how to develope a game in order to match the system. I believe Fallout 4 is most likely halfway, if not more, in its developing faze. I'm sure the hiring of this new staff is in order to finish off the stages required to make the game compatible for new consoles. I may be wrong, but I believe Oblivion was one of the new games that was featured on todays generation consoles back in '05-06. I would be more than pleased to play Fallout4 on the Skyrim engine and this gen-consoles.

    Anyway, I'm ramblin...If you can get a discussion/topic out of this, feel free to comment!


  • February 28, 2012 10:35 AM EST

    This is another reason I don't like consoles... If I want to get the next Elder Scrolls and such I have to pay another 500 bucks and have to try super hard to even get one when they come out. And this happens like every what? 6-9 years? My computer cost 750 and it runs Skyrim on High(default) fine. I hardly ever get lag and when I do it's only for at most about 5 seconds.

    And they also slow down the making of Elder Scrolls games

    • 577 posts
    February 28, 2012 11:35 AM EST

    You have a point. I do believe games are being held back due to what can be run on consoles. I don't know the 'gaming-graphic-harddrive-card' feild, but from what I've gathered, it can be a little bit $$ on upgrading your computer over a period of time. Don't get me wrong, but if you have a computer that plays games great 6-9 years ago on your computer, will that transfer to what is substantial now? Have you spent any $$ in the last 6-9 years to your computer in order to play games that are out today? I don't have a problem spending $300-$400 every 8 years in order to get a better performance on my 48" TV.

    But this isn't a debate between PC and consoles. I'm just stoked that a new generation of consoles is on the horizen.

  • February 28, 2012 11:42 AM EST

    Oh god... TV. I'm so glad I don't have cable anymore.

    That's 50 bucks less a month for me  But yes I do have an HD TV and a Google TV, as well as an old Apple TV I got for free from a relative that I plan on selling.

    • 27 posts
    February 28, 2012 4:31 PM EST
    Well I think the new staff on at Bethesda is on for the new online group from back when they hade the lawsuit with that sub contract group that was over Fallout MMO ZinMax won that lawsuit and now have a ZinMax Online branch working on What they want to do with the MMO rights........all of this is what I got from the last Game informer mag. But all the same I agree with the others I dont mind spending 5 to $600 every 8 years........o hears a Q? For you if they do make a MMO do you think it will only be for PC or both pc and console?
  • February 28, 2012 4:43 PM EST

    Most likely PC only. I've never even heard of a console MMO...

    And besides I don't think Bethesda is going to be doing an MMO. That's not their thing. Zenimax got the rights not Bethesda. Bethesda's thing is sweet singleplayer RPGs.