Forums » Elder Scrolls

Broken Quests

    • 1 posts
    March 9, 2015 3:10 AM EDT

    Lately, the MQ and CW quests have become bugged and the game is preventing me from progressing or even starting.

    MQ: Season Unending is not starting despite speaking with Arngeir, thus The Fallen cannot progress.

    CW: Reunification of Skyrim is not starting even though I finished the Battle of Whiterun. I also had to force start the Battle of Whiterun quest using console commands.

    In a game about Civil War and Dragons, it really sucks when you can't progress to do either of the two. Please help me out.

    Also, what command can I use to force start a quest?

  • March 9, 2015 7:52 AM EDT

    I'm a console player, but I think that the command for finishing a quest is completequest <quest ID>. I think the main problem is that you're not supposed to start both the Civil War and Main Questlines at the same time, si if possible I'd suggest loading a save prior to starting the questlines, and completing one before starting the other.