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Sociology of the Gamer

    • 577 posts
    February 6, 2012 1:48 PM EST

    I'm curious how people on here are in the gaming world and in real life when it comes to social situations. I'm not sure what I'm getting at, so let me just say where I'm at. (This is supposed to be lite hearted, but I'm facsinated on others)

    Gaming has become pretty big in my life the last 3-4 years (didn't get a "modern" computer till '07 and xbox in '09 and first cell phone '02). Mainly due to the fact that I've gotten a little older, 38, and don't go out and live that fast lifestyle anymore. I was in bands and did alot of touring in my 20's early 30's and had a huge pool of friends, acquitances, etc. in the music biz.(we've all gone seperate ways now, you know, marriage, careers, got healthy, etc) Never really once was there discussions about games. ha! Granted, I had some neighbors/friends that were into games and I would just watch them play and occasionaly would step in and play myself (I know this sounds a little strange, but back then, I didn't mind and enjoyed wathcin my buddy adventuring in vast worlds)

    Anyway, I'm ranting. My point is, that this level of gaming media with all the internet and it's glory wasn't the norm. I remember some friends would literally bring their whole computers over to play together! LOL It was quite an ordeal. Heavy machinery, lots of wires, the whole kit'n'kaboodle.

    90% of my close friends don't game whatsoever. It's funny, when I see them now, they ask me "what's been up?" and before I can answer, they give me the 'air controller, thumb-movement' shuffle! LOL And yeah, they're right!!!!! I have been gamin!! so what! keeps me out of bars! haha!!! Another ladyfriend of mine asks me if I've been "Dark Star-ing"....saying it like a verb for gamin! ha!

    And then on the other hand, I have two really close friends that I've known for 20years, that if it wasn't for gaming, our relationship would be a once or twice a year phone call. Now it's 1-2 times a week, especially with Skyrim out.

    How has gaming affected your social life? Do you have your 'gamer' friends and then friends that don't game at all and give you shit about it? haha! Are all your friends gamers? Or really no friends and just play online all the time? (comic book guy on Simpsons. Sorry, that's a sterotype of gamers and don't mean to hit a nerve with some people) Have relationships ended due to your gaming? What kind of social stories do you have?

    This topic came to mind when I read the thread from Nakia and 'girly gamers'. Keep in mind that I really consider myself a rookie in internet, social media and don't always take it so serious. This is the only blog I've joined and probably will BE the only one.

    • 26 posts
    February 6, 2012 2:13 PM EST

    I am a senior citizen and a women.  I fell in love with the personal computer when it came out in the 70s, the hardware not the software although I did learn to do bat files and menus.  I took courses on how to repair computers and do networking.   When I finally did go on the Internet in the late 90s it was mainly to research medical information.  In 1999 I lost my partner of twenty five years.  I was a lover of sciFi, fantasy and mysteries and a lot of other stuff.  I was also fascinated by the D& D table top games although the wrong age to actually find people to play with.  I turned to the computer and the Internet as a form of diversion from grief and became addicted to various types of games including city builders and RPGs. 

    I have no close friends who are gamers.  Not offline anyway.  I have met a few people Online that I have come to consider good friends and who are important to me.  I joined FaceBook in order to keep track of some of these people because the Internet is a tricky place.  We move on to other games and other interests and and lose track of each other.  I am now on Google+ although I am still not comfortable with it.

    Sites such as this one provide me with the pleasure of meeting a variety of people who at least temporarily share the same interest.  Some may even become good friends and I invite them to join me on either FaceBook or Google+.  I find that discussing things both serious and casual with people who vary in age and view points help keep me young. I am constantly challenged to think, to learn.  You can teach an old dog new tricks.

    Not sure that is what you want but there it is.

    • 38 posts
    February 6, 2012 2:29 PM EST

    I actually met one of my best friends through Xbox.  At the time i had the gamertag "Jetsfan34" and he so happened to be a jets fan as well.  He friend requested me and I hopped in a game with him and started talking and it so happened that we lived in somewhat close proximity.  At the time I was young so we never officially met but the summer before college we decided to meet up.  We did and ever since then we talk/text about games and life all the time.  He is ten years older then me and is at a different point in his life but we get along pretty well.

    As far as others views of me as a gamer, I believe that alot of people know that I play a lot and they may look down on me about it.  It is something that used to bother me but as I have settled into my life, I have found that I don't care too much about what others think.  Just like a football player spends endless hours watching/lifting/practicing/playing football because it interests him, I do the same with video games.

    • 577 posts
    February 6, 2012 2:39 PM EST

    Naw, that's perfect Nakia. I guess this was just a discussion to get a feeling and contrast between gaming friendships, whether it be via internet or in person and how it has affected oneself. Just find it interesting. Thanks!

    • 133 posts
    February 6, 2012 2:51 PM EST

    I'm sad to say that all those 200 hours or so i've spent playing skyrim had no effect in my social life, mainly because i don't have one. most of my time i work or stay at home with my family. i have only one friend who is a gamer, but he prefers car simulators and doesn't play rpg. this is also the only blog i've joined till now, but i liked it so much i'm thinking about joinning others, if i can find some others equally interesting.