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Would YOU be your character if you ended up in the Game?

    • 426 posts
    February 6, 2012 4:44 AM EST

    Bit of a silly one here but I know you guys will put some good stuff up.

    One of my favorite films is Tron (the original) in particular the bit the computer zaps him into the computer. That scene evoked strong day dreams in my younger self.

    So what I was wondering was if you got zapped into your computer only into Skyrim instead would you be your character you play with or would you be a completely different entity?

    • 708 posts
    February 6, 2012 5:04 AM EST

    Ooh great topic Guy!

    I'd probably be some sort of sneaky dagger-wielding light armor battlemage - in fact probably basically my Seeker. IRL I'm more or less a 6 foot tall quite intellectual stick, I never exercise but I'm not fat by any means. I solve problems smarter, not harder, so that sounds about right.

    • 426 posts
    February 6, 2012 5:07 AM EST

    Sweet, I think I would more likely be some sort of warrior,champion or knight. Swordplay and honour would be the name of the game probably. I would dabble with the magic but only if it benefits me healing etc.

    • 38 posts
    February 6, 2012 5:31 AM EST

    my character exactly, I play Skyrim as myself. Might need to be a bit more careful though, don't want to die in the first hour

  • February 6, 2012 5:34 AM EST

    Well... I'm not black, I don't have dreads, I'm not a body-builder and I don't have face tattoos!

    But in real life I do tend to act and react the way Cozmik does. He is an extension of me and just like he does in-game I don't take kindly to bulls*** and have an immense contempt towards religious or political fanatics of any kind; if I saw Thalmor in real life I would still punch them in the face.

    • 426 posts
    February 6, 2012 5:41 AM EST

    Yeah that would be my worry too lol As long as potions still work the same I'll be good lol

    • 426 posts
    February 6, 2012 5:45 AM EST

    Thats just it you could be black, with dreads lifting the heavy weights. What would you prefer. You could be a butterfly or one of those Torchbugs lol I think its a really interesting topic. Bit like the whole residual self image thing from matrix. Would your brain actually project what you conciously choose or would the sub conscience get vetoe ?

    • 26 posts
    February 6, 2012 5:52 AM EST

    My current character is a male Orc warrior who is basically a good guy.  Other than being male yes I could easily be the person.  I like him, he is not a goody goody person but he follows the Code of Malacath, does not steal, does not wantonly kill.  If he could give mercy to those who ask it he would.  If he can help someone as he goes about his job of being a hero he does.  He has not chosen to be a hero it has been forced on him by the gods but he accepts it and does the best he can.  Being haunted by dragons is no fun and a few times he has had to hide which is something no true blooded Orc likes to do.  He accepts the harshness of life without complaint and enjoys the pleasures of life to their full extent.

    • 426 posts
    February 6, 2012 6:11 AM EST

    This is pretty much how I normally play although I do like the DB missions so kill more people than I would naturally do. I don't think I would do the DB myself Im too nice lol

    • 132 posts
    February 6, 2012 8:05 AM EST

    I would be rocking magic, twenny-fou-sev. Eat, sleep, magic. I would do the Daedric quests as well- well, most of them. I probably wouldn't eat people, or magically chain one of my friends to a rock and stab him. In short, hell yeah I would be my mage character.

    • 426 posts
    February 6, 2012 8:08 AM EST

    I think if Skyrim wasn't so wild and filled with so many beasties I would rock the magic but theres too many bears and cats I would need a big griffty sword to make sure I was safe lol No more throwing caution to the wind lol

    • 132 posts
    February 6, 2012 9:25 AM EST

    That's what your magical army of Atronachs/ Dremora is for! Screw follower rules, I would have 6 dremora going at all times :D Not even bears could kill you with that.

  • February 6, 2012 11:42 AM EST

    Well if I lived in a game world I'd be the buff Redguard/Minmatar of course :) And those damn guards would think twice about giving me those "no lollygaggin'" comments; I mean I do a better job at wiping out a town than Alduin does!

    • 8 posts
    February 6, 2012 11:50 AM EST
    Cool topic! Yeah I play exactly how I would if I was really in the game. I take this very seriously and never steal anything and I am never the first to attack anyone--except for on one occasion :)
    The reason for this is because I would never steal in real life and stealing on a game still feels just wrong! I'm wierd :) 
    And the one time I attacked someone first was the time I had a random encounter with a nord woman. She immediately started making fun of me and told me to run home to my mother. So I put my battle axe through her skull. Would I do that in real life? Well. I was in the middle of nowhere and happened to have a battle axe sooo....
    • 21 posts
    February 6, 2012 12:57 PM EST

    I honestly think when it came down to, I don't think I could.  After all, this would require me to be capable of killing a human being - not just a bunch of pixels.  No cheering at how awesome the finishing move looked, none of that, and there'd be no reset button.  I'm not a bosmer and I couldn't fit into the leathers!  I'm not a ninja master and unless I could have the athletic ability to go along with it?  No.  I may know how to bowhunt but I've never had to do that to a human(oid).  I'm still scared spitless of undead.   I do think I could live in Skyrim quite happily even so.  Though even though I can see Dreema in my head, and have written about her - being a thief and a murderer does go against my own moral code.  I imagine if I was BAMF'ed into being, I'd probably struggle a lot with the morality of it.

  • February 6, 2012 1:10 PM EST

    I would be a Khajiit Monk, living in some secluded temple with a bunch of other monks. If I wasn't that I guess I'd want to be a Grey Orc, basically an honorable knight, fighting for good so others can live in peace. Pretty Sterotypical.

    IRL I'm very intellectual, my first thought of a job was programming, I guess I'm also pretty Idealistic. In fact - when I took one of those "personality tests" I got Idealist Consular, which happens to be the same as my dad, who is a programmer.

  • February 6, 2012 1:14 PM EST

    That's a very true post Dreema, I'm sure I pretty much feel the same way. Even for hunting or something. I have kind of wanted to try hunting but I'm kind of afraid of feeling all guilty for killing something. And yet again, I probably eat meat at least 3 times a week.

    Maybe that's another reason I would like being a monk, I can be a badass fighter, but it isn't about killing. But that's where it gets pretty complicated.

    • 426 posts
    February 6, 2012 1:20 PM EST

    I think I would end up the same my moral compass would def stop me from performing some of the kills I have done. Like I said earlier I do like the DB quests but in reality I don't think I could be an assassin.

  • February 6, 2012 1:26 PM EST

    Yeah... I don't think I could be an assassin either.

    • 577 posts
    February 6, 2012 2:17 PM EST

    Yeah, I'd say I would be my character for sure. I play the way how I am. Don't really immerse myself in morale decisions, cause Skyrim doen't let you very much. Givin the option to I mean. I can be like a cameleon(sp) in Skyrim, just like in real life. Blend in around me the area and situations. Of course I'm not going to get DB-ing in real life, but I'm not going to avoid the DB cause my 'character' likes picking Dragon Tongue flowers all day!LOL He'll do whatever!! I'm not s Sybil player, meaning that I don't have 30 characters for my 30 personalities! LOL

    • 77 posts
    February 6, 2012 2:25 PM EST

    Being the narcissistic person that I am, why would I not want to be me?

    • 133 posts
    February 6, 2012 2:27 PM EST

    never. i play rpg because my life is boring and predictable and i like it that way. if i ended up in skyrim world, with all the turmoil of a civil war, a collapsing empire and a bunch of dragons bent on destroying the world, supposing i managed to survive somehow, i'd lock the doors and stay home.

    • 82 posts
    February 6, 2012 2:37 PM EST

    I thought about this for awhile.  I'm not sure.  I have all different types of Characters, but there are 2 I'd probably be tempted to use.  The first my Paladin, because he is super protected and powerful.  Also my character that is kind of my stormcloack class, (greatsword, sneaky with daggers and arrows) because I feel he would be a survivor.