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Round of Applause for the Skyrim Blog!!!

    • 426 posts
    January 14, 2012 6:10 PM EST

    Just a quick heads up to Paul for creating this site and the many wonderfully creative users. More so Ive been using this site now for a few weeks coming on everyday and participating is as many forums, discussions and groups I feel valid expressing my opinion in. Even being inspired to play the game differently and do something I ve never done before.

    Not once have I seen any bad mouthing, sore words, derogatory comments or even general bad manners. Everyone seems to be on here to enjoy this "game" Skyrim and help, advise, create and banter in a decent way.


    • 739 posts
    January 14, 2012 6:34 PM EST

    Yeah considering Skyrim has created so many whiners on other forums i'm surprised we havent seen more here. Nice group of very imaginative people on this site and the content is fantastic!

    I think Paul was beginning to worry at the start of the year because of low attendance but i think things are slowly picking back up, getting about 5-10 new members a day i think, not everyone is posting but those who do post good stuff.

    • 426 posts
    January 14, 2012 6:40 PM EST

    Ive def seen an increase in new members over the last week or so  and people joining groups. It would be nice to see a few more journals and blog post they are addictive reading. Seeing how each person interprets the encounters through their character.

    Looking forward to more for a long time  

    • 577 posts
    January 14, 2012 7:48 PM EST

    Fucking hell yeah!! oops, sorry...

    On a serious note. I really enjoy this site. I always feel confortable on here, although sometimes a little intimidated by some of the knowlegde that is shared. But I seem to learn something everyday. I try and still can't keep track of the Lore. It blows my mind. Can't get all the Atamors, Atlmeres, Atomons, Adulins, blah, blah, blah all straighten out! haha! Sometimes the language and names are all the same to me. If there was an Elder Scrolls 101 class at a local college, I'd be all over it.(can you imagine how cool that'd be?) Sure I could read about it, but I like visuals and timelines, race-trees, etc.

    I've for sure have seen an increase on here. Basically since X-mas. Mainly because alot of people got it for x-mas and have play a TES for the first time, loved it and wanted to get invovled. Which is awesome. Btw, has that guy ever posted his results to the Falmar? haha!! keep it up P!!

    • 739 posts
    January 14, 2012 7:52 PM EST

    YES! I want to know if that falmer-chap ever made it out! Think he loaded a quick-save but was to embarassed to say! Going to sing Ragnor the Red at him if he starts saying he killed them all with his dagger!