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The Beast Races

    • 13 posts
    March 30, 2013 2:21 PM EDT

    I tried multiple times to start a Build with a Beast Race (Argonian or Kahjiit) but i was never satisfied with those builds.

    It's not because i don't like Argonians or Kahjiit, in Oblivion i played numerous Characters with Argonians or Kahjiit, but Cyrodil was a Cultural melting pot whereas Skyrim has a very isolated Culture and they are not so friendly toward foreigner races like the Imperials for example.

    The other point is that there are not many Argonians or Kahjiit in Skyrim whereas Cyrodil had many immigrants from all over Tamriel, which leads me to my final drawback of playing a Beast Race (well at least if you don't skip the MQ): You're the Dragonborn, the descendant from Akatosh, the role model of how a Nord should be and that is something that does break all immersion for me if i try to pretend i'm the Argonian or Kahjiit Dovahkiin (or a Dovahkitty & Dovahlizzy ).

    But i guess you can easily avoid the MQ. and still have a lot of fun in Skyrim but i always failed when i try to create a good back-story for a Argonian or Kahjiit build and i think a good solid back-story can overcome all flaws of playing a Beast Race in Skyrim, so with this in mind i really would appreciate it if someone has an advice for how to create a solid & believable back-story for a stranded Argonian or Kahjiit, or generally spoken if someone has an advice how to make the Beast Races more fun to play then please feel free to answer.

    • 35 posts
    March 30, 2013 2:23 PM EDT

    I always had trouble imagining my Argonian defeating a dragon in Skyrim, even though he looks like one so much. :P

    • 1595 posts
    March 30, 2013 2:35 PM EDT

    I'm ashamed to admit my only experience with a beast race was when playing a khajiit for No Snakes' Demonhunter, which I really enjoyed.

    My advice for what it's worth is not to get too hung up on race. Akatosh is the Dragon God of Time but he is called many things by many cultures; the khajiit call him Alkosh, Dragon King of Cats.

    Why should the nordic version of him be more relevant than any other?

    • 35 posts
    March 30, 2013 2:37 PM EDT

    Good point, Phil.

    • 557 posts
    March 30, 2013 2:43 PM EDT

    I've only ever played as Argonians. Regardless of the setting, an Argonian can find his niche. 

    • 1595 posts
    March 30, 2013 2:48 PM EDT

    My argonian lore is shockingly bad. Do they acknowledge the Nine Divines, have their own version of the nine or is everything spiritual connected with the tree thing?

    • 291 posts
    March 30, 2013 2:51 PM EDT

    Well, if immersion is a problem, follow the same rules that most beast races seem to face:


    • Cannot go into major cities.  (I suppose Riften might be an exception?)
    • Cannot trade with any merchant other than the Khajiit caravans, Orc strongholds, or merchants who do their business out of doors (hunters and village blacksmiths).  (I think there's some kind of superstition in Skyrim about letting Khajiits into enclosed it's bad luck or something.)
    • If you do manage to go into a major city, it must be by an invite from the Jarl's court or a wealthy individual (with a document to prove such).  Or it must be at night, but you cannot be spotted, nor can you speak to anyone.
    • Do not speak unless spoken to, unless you are attempting to trade with them or they are a Khajiit or Orc.  (Argonians probably won't associate with you as they dislike Khajiit--see them as rivals.)


    • Cannot trade or make purchases from high-wealth merchants--limited to market stalls, general goods stores, blacksmiths, and other outdoor merchants.
    • Cannot enter the homes of or associate with high-wealth citizens unless you are working for them.  (It is presumed they refuse to talk to you.)
    • Can only have one high-wealth employer at a time.
    • Cannot enter Windhelm or Markarth proper.  (It is assumed you will be turned away at the gates.)

    That said, as far as story goes, unless you want to play an Argonian that believes he's a dragon (a la The Dockworker), or a Khajiit that believes they are a Mane, I would avoid the Main Quest all together.  Being a Dragonborn doesn't really make much sense when it comes to playing a beast race, unless you go for the above scenarios.

    Realistically playing a beast race is hard.  

    • 291 posts
    March 30, 2013 2:52 PM EDT

    It's all connected to the Hist.  If they have any other deities, we don't know of them.  Argonians, even immigrants, have the policy:  "What happens in Black Marsh, stays in Black Marsh."

    • 13 posts
    March 30, 2013 2:59 PM EDT

    I guess you are right but did you ever entered Sovngarde with a Argonian or Kahjiit? listen how the Ancestor choir chants your name, see all the Great Nordic Ancestors in the Hall of Valor? I did it once with an Dunmer and even then it felt odd like i should not be there. For me the Dovahkiin will always be a Nedic Men or Woman a descendant from Atmora, and it's the first time in the Elder Scrolls series that i associate the "Hero" entirely with one race, even in Morrowind i had no troubles to pretend that i'm a Nord or Argonian who becomes the Nerevarine. 

    • 1595 posts
    March 30, 2013 3:19 PM EDT

    I hear you and kind of understand, but that khajiit I mentioned was already sworn to Nocturnal and couldn't care less about Sovngarde, choir or not.

    As Kyrielle intimated, you need to think and act differently in order to effectively rp a species alien to us.


    • 13 posts
    March 30, 2013 3:25 PM EDT

    Thx for your advice and yes avoiding the MQ is a thing i always do with special characters or Beast Races. 

    Once i had a Argonian thief and trickster who was dressed like a beggar and he lived in the Ratway warrens in Esberns room, i used similar rules like you mentioned above, No Trading, He was not allowed to buy a home or to become a thane.. and it was one of my better Characters  because i had a back-story for him which was short but believable and the Skills and Perks were well laboured. But then came Dawnguard and with it a new Character Build 

    • 1595 posts
    March 30, 2013 3:28 PM EDT

    Thanks Kyrielle. I'll like this post for this.

    • 557 posts
    March 30, 2013 3:30 PM EDT

    Some do worship Sithis (which is why they become Shadowscales). 

    • 13 posts
    March 30, 2013 3:40 PM EDT

    That's one reason why i like the Argonians slightly more than the Kahjiit, fits well with Assassins or Necromancers, funny thing, once i even had a dream about an powerful Argonian Necromancer she was also a worshiper of Sithis, the dream was kind of disturbing but also fascinating, 3 days later i build that same Argonian Necromancer in Oblivion 

    • 1595 posts
    March 30, 2013 3:41 PM EDT

    I'm intrigued so I'll go and have a look at your Shadowscale, Emer Dareloth. I doubt I have seen it as I have a general dislike of The Dark Brotherhood, but I'm all about argonians right now.

    Inspirational topic, Oberon. Thank you.

    • 13 posts
    March 30, 2013 5:09 PM EDT

    I'm also all about Argonians right now that's one reason why i added this discussion. Oh and thx for the Like, my first one if i might say so 

    After i'm now done with my true Nordic Dragonborn (retired him today after i've done the Companions and MQ quest) i'm now ready to try my best and start another Argonian build.

    I also like to use this discussion to thank firstly Emer Dareloth for the Tsaeci Yni'ka Paal & Shadowscale build and Henson for the The Ka Po' Tun build they were very inspirational and i'm surely use the Shadowscale & Tsaeci build  as a source of inspiration for my new Argonian build. , but also anyone else who accepted the challenge and made a Argonian or Kahjiit Build.

  • March 30, 2013 6:11 PM EDT
    I just figured you CAN do the Main quest. I play any Race other than Human races, and I do main quest up till Alduin's defeat at the Throat of the world.

    Everything after ruins immersion for me, but can still be "the Hero who chased Alduin away". I can still go to Solstein(even before doing the MQ) but not many quests available, and can join/destroy the Dawnguard because it doesn't affect the MQ.
    I always avoid Civil War, because Mer and Beastfolk shouldn't care about that, and help my fellow kin when they're in need(made a Dunmer join companions to help Athis out of that group of savages!

    I try to keep rivalries with races and find lore friendly allies.(Orc with Breton and Redguard, Wood elves with High elves and maybe some Khajiit, but not that close to cats... Etc.

    I hope this helps
  • March 30, 2013 6:13 PM EDT
    Apparently Skyrim Dragons aren't aerodynamic, so they use dragon magic to fly, wich explains why DragonRend keeps them on the ground(suppresses their magic) and stops their breath attacks.

    Just magical giant winged lizards.
    • 106 posts
    March 30, 2013 7:23 PM EDT

    Why not make your own role play for these races? That way you're 100% satisfied