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Anyone playing Assassins Creed III?

    • 773 posts
    November 26, 2012 11:01 AM EST

    There was a fair bit of chatter about Assassins Creed III before it came out, but I don't seem to have seen anything being discussed since the game released.

    I've currently got a rental copy (courtesy of my sons Lovefilm account) which I've being playing over the last few days. I'm enjoying the experience, but I can see its going to be a game that I need to invest a lot of time into to get the best out of it, and I don't have that kind of time to invest at the moment.

    I'm interested to know whether it matches up to or even supersedes the previous games in the series, because I've never played any of them. Yes, its true, I'm coming to AC completely as a noob, and I'm wondering if I should really go back to the start? I should add that it didn't seem that I had any trouble getting the basic gist of story from the introduction.

    Either way, I'm probably going to send this back and wait for it to drop into the special offer bin in the New Year before I get my own copy to play properly

    Just wondered what others thought.....

    • 966 posts
    November 26, 2012 11:15 AM EST

    Well I myself think the first one is the best. The second one is also quite good and Brotherhood does what it was supposed to do I guess. Revations is a comeplete waste of time, and I'm not going to rant about AC3 again.

    But like I said, the first one is the best, especially in terms of story, the gameplay might be a bit harder and basic, but overall it's without a doubt my favorite, it's also the cheapest, won't cost more than 5-10 pounds I guess.

    • 773 posts
    November 26, 2012 11:25 AM EST

    Alduin, please either repeat your rant, or at least give a link to your previous outpouring 

    • 1913 posts
    November 26, 2012 11:27 AM EST
    I have finished the single player and am not interested in replaying. I now only play the multiplayer every once and awhile. But even that is starting lose luster when everybody treats the game as COD with parkour.
    • 966 posts
    November 26, 2012 11:32 AM EST

    This is the gist of it:

    The story doesn't make sense anymore, both the Connor part and the Desmond part. They skipped about 250 years of total war in Europe to use the American revolution as a marketing thing, wich really bothers me, if they wanted to go to the U.S they should have done so later when they were actually powerfull and not reliant on French money. And the gameplay is way to easy, that began in Brotherhood.

    It hasn't really changed much, only new things would be naval battles *wich might be quite good*, a bloody axe, and the ability to climb trees. It's about time the assassins picked up on that. 

    I myself won't play it untill they get their preorities straight.

    • 271 posts
    November 26, 2012 11:32 AM EST
    LOVE IT! Worth every penny! Still haven't finished all the secretsof the game... Awesome story, Awesome characters, Awesome multiplayer. A little buggy, but nothing big.

    9/10 because of minor flaws. Other then that, Awesome!

    The story is much, much, much better then Revelations and/or Brotherhood. Multiplayer is quite the same actually...

    Missed Ezio... But Connor (Rhaton:hageton) kicks him from nr.1

    A little slow in the beginning, but once you get to the "Main" line, you will be stuck!
    • 13 posts
    November 26, 2012 11:46 AM EST

    I love this game, still haven't finished it but the characters didn't touch my heart like they did in AC2, Brothahood and Revelations. I had feelings for Ezio just like if he existed and was my friend...

  • November 26, 2012 1:20 PM EST

    Connor was not better than Ezio, granted Connor was better Desmond, but Connor was pretty lame. Ezio was badass though. You know it's ironic, that Alduin complains about the A.I. in this game, when he heavily endorsed this

    • 271 posts
    November 26, 2012 1:25 PM EST
    Yes, Ezio is/was badass, but Connor was much better!
  • November 26, 2012 1:28 PM EST

  • November 26, 2012 1:39 PM EST

    Anyways, the story is meh, the characters are meh, I did enjoy the combat and it flowed pretty nicely (the A.I. is a bit slow at times, but so were Dishonored's), the environment was a lot of fun to explore and it was really diverse (marketing thing or not, old America still remains my favorite video game environment, besides Tamriel), hunting was actually a lot of fun, the little table games were actually a lot of fun, and the Naval battles were really badass (it's better than games solely using naval battles, Ubisoft should make a game off this, it'd be the Ace Combat of naval battle games). I would say 7.5, maybe 8/10, I didn't get incredibly invested, and the story wasn't horrible or even bad, but that's the real problem, we were looking for a huge payoff and it was just an 'ok' story. 

    • 966 posts
    November 26, 2012 1:46 PM EST

    Atleast he's way up on a balcony, in AC the guards ''lose sight'' if you sit down on a bench. Or when you stand among poor people with your grand outfit and hood and they never notice.

  • November 26, 2012 1:52 PM EST

    Lol, that mechanic has always cracked me up 

    • 577 posts
    November 26, 2012 8:15 PM EST

    I'm a noob also in this series Paul. I did however dabble in the first two, but I didn't have a HDTV at the time and to be quite honest, I had a hard time reading all the small print that was necessary to gain knowledge on what the hell was going on. So I gave up on it(ME2 was the same for me, but I muscled through it. And yes I have an HDTV now and it's night and day on literature in video games)

    I'm about halfway through right now. I haven't played it in almost 2 weeks. It kinda fizzled on me for some reason. Mainly I got tired of trying to get 100% synch on every mission. THAT's what bugs me a little about the game. You get all the way through something then fuck it up at the very end and don't get the 100%. It's a bit annoying. And alot of the times you'll screw up and not realize till the mission is over. I wish they wouldn't tell you to "kill 6 guards with a knife" and just let you play the game you want to and if you happen to "kill 6 guards with a knife" THEN you get some sort of reward. I don't like having to think about playing the way they want me to play. Just reward me on what I do. If what I do is rewardable, fantastic! Then I would be receptive to doing multiple playthroughs. I know for sure once I finish the game, I won't play it again.

    I also find myself getting distracted with all the feathers, trinkets and pages. I've spend a couple sessions just going around picking them up and then I realize "wait, I've got missions to do!" lol I understand you're most likely to pick them up when you're in the area doing missions, but when I have the map for where they are all at, it's easy to get distracted and wanting to go snatch them up.

    The menu's a little qurky for me. Took me awhile to figure out how it works really. I'm still not sure how to build convoys and craft items and if I really need to anyway.

    I was good at the beginning about reading everything, then I stop cause I was picking up, going by stuff constantly and it was logging in my journal without me knowing really. Then it became just to overwhelming with "!", that I said screw it. lol I find it interesting how they kinda dumb down the history of the American Revolution. That Shaun Hastings guy writes it all "hip and cool". lol (Gosh, I can see American kids thinking this game is good enough of an education on the Revolutionary War)Which is alright I guess. Better than nothing.

    Overall it's a good looking game!! I know I can still continue on missions with out a complete 100%, but it's annoying and discouraging when you don't. I don't know, maybe it's just I'm a shitty gamer, but when it takes 10+ times to run along side a river to save someone just perfectly, it gets to be a thorn in my side.