Forums » Elder Scrolls

Who's ready for a DLC already!?!

    • 577 posts
    December 9, 2011 11:24 PM EST

    After reading Paul's last blog on "how's everyone doing?" the majority sound like they could use some extra quests and landmass. Not saying that people are bored, etc. But if you "finished" (which by the way, what's considered "finished"?) several times with 3-4 characters, I would imagine some DLC action is needed up-in-your-life.

    Personally, I'd get it of course, but I got alot on my plate right now and probably wouldn't attack it right away. I kinda did the same thing with Shivering Isle and Nights of the Nine.

    • 377 posts
    December 10, 2011 5:48 AM EST

    Hear! Hear! I'm ready for one. It's a shame though that Xbox get the first two DLCs exclusive for a month before releasing to PC, which means it will be a while before PC users get it.

    • 773 posts
    December 10, 2011 6:18 AM EST

    I'd rather they focused on getting rid of game breaking bugs and glitches that some players (not me) seem to be having, before they start on DLC

    • 708 posts
    December 10, 2011 6:23 AM EST

    I'm not sure really. Even though I'm on my fourth character right now I'm nowhere near bored. To be honest I'd rather not get a DLC right now, considering the amount of stuff still left to do in the original package (more builds, RPing, couple of sidequests, do quests in different ways/order etc). Getting a DLC now would probably distract me from all that stuff. Besides I'd much rather they release a proper DLC with some more work put into it (similarly sized to some of the FO3/NV stuff).

    As a PC gamer I see the Xbox early DLC as an advantage - the Xbox gamers get to iron out all the bugs for us!

    • 9 posts
    December 10, 2011 8:51 AM EST

    i would get the DLC but i just started my 3rd character on master and im having a blast just exploring... i agree with ponty.. the game has soooooo much more to do... im not really ready for it yet though..

    • 739 posts
    December 10, 2011 8:53 AM EST

    I've still got plenty to do with vanilla Skyrim so im not ready for it! However i am looking forward to finding out what this DLC is going to be.


    Bonemold Armor: I just miss it.

    Joinable necromancer faction: With enchanting and conjuration being such powerful skills in skyrim i think it would be fun to resurrect the order of the black worm. They already did this with the dark brotherhood (Tribunal -> Oblivion) so its a viable direction with alot of lore and content to be explored.

    Battlemage Faction: Obviously not called this but i would like bethesda to create a faction thats not so strictly black and white, they pride themselves on letting their players create any type of character (heavy armor wearing mage) but dont always provide suitable guilds, i feel like a tit wandering round the college of winterhold in heavy armor.


  • December 10, 2011 10:40 AM EST

    3rd Char going, Redguard Warrior. DLC would be nice, but i'm lookin' more forward to mods.

    Though it too depends what kind of DLC its gonna be.

    • 577 posts
    December 10, 2011 11:59 AM EST

    I would totally agree with you P. I wouldn't be surpirsed if the DLC(s) are already made and they're just waiting to get all bugs out first. Kinda like when they made the Lord of the Rings movies, they made all of them at the same time and slowly put them out over a period of time. What was the time line between Oblivion and Shiv-Isle? I bought the GOTY pack but didn't activate it till after many, many hrs of Oblivion.

    • 132 posts
    December 10, 2011 3:07 PM EST

    Boy do I want some DLC. Either something that continues the Civil War Questline ie. Thalmor, or a Daedric Realm like the Shivering Isles. The Civil War felt so short, and it's the only questline besides MQ without any Radiant quests. I would give my spare copy of Fallout 3 GOTY for a simple imperial/stormcloak messenger running up to you with a letter that says "-Name-, -Fortname- is under attack. Proceed at all possible haste to defend the fort." Followed by a fort battle like in the actual questline, but with your side on defense. I'm amazed that isn't already in the game, frankly. It seems like that would be a simple and fun thing to do. I'm sure that will become a mod at some point, good for you PC users -.-

    • 144 posts
    December 10, 2011 3:33 PM EST

    i honestly have so much to do still. Im looking forward to some awesome DLC, but im not quite ready for it yet...

    • 37 posts
    December 11, 2011 10:23 AM EST

    I'm extremely curious as to what the dlc will be but i am no where near ready to play it yet, I've still a good 150-200 hrs at least left in the game alone. I'm having fun just exploring and looting dungeons and doing the odd quest here and there. I'm in absolutely no hurry for dlc, although i know not everyone approaches the game the same way i do. I'm sure many, many players a ready and waiting to get stuck into some dlc and i'm sure Bethesda know this too and would be expecting an announcement about it early in the new year.

    • 3 posts
    December 19, 2011 5:42 PM EST

    I cant wait for DLC it will be amassing i hope the go back to morowind or cyodiil or a new land mass we haven't saw before.

    It is also good that Xbox gets it a full mouth before other formats