Forums » Elder Scrolls

POLL : What would you REALLY like Bethesda to focus on next?

    • 773 posts
    July 16, 2012 12:24 PM EDT

    This weeks poll is really quite self explanatory 

    Now that Dawnguard is out, at least on the XBox platform, our attention turns to what Bethesda will come up with next. What do you REALLY want them to focus on most?

    Of course, they are probably dabbling in all of the options in the poll - but you can only choose one 

    That's deliberate - because I'm looking for what you MOST want them to focus on next

    So vote in the poll, and tell us your views here 

    • 63 posts
    July 16, 2012 12:50 PM EDT

    They are not done with Skyrim. I want VERY much for them to GRAND FINALE this tale and make the final DLC particularly meaty and expansive. I REALLY want to visit Solstheim for example. There is lore regarding some islands in the Sea of Ghosts crusted over with ancient cities.

    • 67 posts
    July 16, 2012 1:09 PM EDT

    I want more Fallout God Flapjacks Dang-it!!!

    • 856 posts
    July 16, 2012 1:45 PM EDT

    This was a tough choice actually.  I liked all of the ideas, especially ES6 and FO; but I finally settled on a new FO.  I like to change characters for different playstyles; a different role-play setting just allows me more variety.  My choices in order:  FO, ES6, DLC, ES online, new stuff.

    • 22 posts
    July 16, 2012 1:58 PM EDT

    I want them to work on a new fallout now.  I dont want them to start trying to bust out new ES games every year or two,  Thats why there is so much hype to them when they get announced. If they started trying to make games as fast as possible they will turn into that shitty game ah shucks, im pulling a blank on the name... whats it called? call of duty or something like that. The point im trying to make is that they game will become shitty and it wont be as great if i know that a new one is going to come out every year or two. I could care less about the online game too. But id like to see a new fall out game made by bethesda instead of obsidian.  Obsidian did a great job with the weapons, but thats about it.  Dont get me wrong, i loved playing new vegas but it just didnt even come close to how great 3 was.

    • 16 posts
    July 16, 2012 3:03 PM EDT

    Although a new fallout game sounds really awesome it might still be a few years away. So I would like to see more Skyrim dlc which of course they will make more but i would really like to go back to cyrodil and see how the land has changed in 200 years(i think thats how long its been since the oblivion crisis.) 


    • 133 posts
    July 16, 2012 3:25 PM EDT

    Fallout 4.It cannot come too soon.

    • 490 posts
    July 16, 2012 3:47 PM EDT

    Most likely Skyrim DLC and when that is finished or when they are closing out the 3rd or 4th, they will hopefully begin on Fallout 4. I predict either a new console they will tailor it to.

    • 409 posts
    July 16, 2012 3:48 PM EDT

    Well I would like to see more DLC before anything bethesda did announce there would only be 2 DLCs for skyrim and that is good because I would rather have quality over quanity but after they do that I would like them to start on TES VI because it will take like 5 or 6 years to make so I want them to start on it ASAP and I would like it to be in either Elsywer or Black Marsh

    • 34 posts
    July 16, 2012 6:18 PM EDT

    I think that Elder Scrolls 6 should wait until next gen consoles come out, but I chose a new fallout for the fact that DLC is already in the works. I would like to see a new fallout game squeezed in before the next gen consoles.

    • 285 posts
    July 16, 2012 6:33 PM EDT
    I hope not, I most likely won't be able to afford a next gen console, but would want to play Elder Scrolls VI so bad.
    • 577 posts
    July 16, 2012 8:37 PM EDT

    I voted for new Fallout game. Like some say here, I believe all the DLC for Skyrim is most likely finished. Just tweaking lose ends, etc. As far as TES VI? whoa.....that would be lovely, but I highly doubt that they're really looking at that right now. Maybe they're just throwing ideas out there...

    Ideally what would be great, is that they get on some sort of cycle of every two years alternate titles between Fallouts and Scrolls games. Kinda like the summer and winter Olympics. So every two years, we'd have a kickass game to play!!

    I wouldn't be surprised if F4 game out holidays 2013, but then again, that seems on the cusp of the next gen of consoles. They may premiere F4 on the new console. I believe they did something similar when Oblivion came out in '06 with the xbox 360 

    • 9 posts
    July 16, 2012 8:41 PM EDT

    I really want some more of Skyrim, but when the next gen consules come out, I want them to make a Fallout game so that their next TES game gets as much use out of the new consules as possible.

    • 67 posts
    July 17, 2012 8:14 AM EDT

    all i want is something, anything for us PS3 players; just something new, i love Skyrim but at the moment its frustrating how we are being left behind. As for the poll itselfi would have to say:

    1. DLC
    2. Elder Scrolls 6
    3. Fallout 4
    4. Something New
    5. Elder Scrolls Online

    I still think there is a lot they can do with Skyrim so i think that should be their priority. After that I think a new Elder Scrolls would be amazing if they could work with Sony etc. so that it could be released as one of the front runners on a next-gen console. I only played Fallout NV which dissapointed me really so to be honest im not fussed on what they do with that. And i couldn't care less about the MMO as im unlikely to ever play that.


    But one point is that each of these ideas will be worked on by different studios so they are all going to be worked on at the same time, just in different stages of development at the moment.