Marudil: Blood And Arrows Ch. 1

  • The carriage came to a bumpy stop at the Falkreath gate. Marudil gave his thanks to the driver with 50 septims, before hopping off the carriage and taking in the scene around him. The scents and sights of Falkreath's lush wilderness thrilled his senses; it reminded him of the all-too-familiar thrill of the hunt, a sensation that had defined him for countless years. Ah, but there was no time for nostalgic sentiment -- he had come with a purpose. He had come to find her.

    He walked casually through the city, keeping a keen eye open for any sign of his associate. The wooden structures comprising the city seemed very old, rotting at the hands of mold and water damage. The people around him, he could tell, were spiritually and emotionally ravaged... no doubt by Skyrim's civil war and the lives it had needlessly taken. The air was sickly and somber, complimenting the atmosphere of gloom and misery that had hung so grievously over the city. It was a perfect reflection, Marudil thought to himself, of the gruesome history of Falkreath.

    "Try not to judge Falkreath too harshly, traveler..." A woman's frail voice muttered, "The war has been hard on us."

    "It bothers me little," Marudil replied, "Your village is a place without pretension... honesty governs its soul. War is tragic... and Falkreath is a reflection of that tragedy."

    "Yes... indeed it is." The woman replied sadly.

    Marudil peered around at the local buildings for any sign of his associate. There was the blacksmith to his right... but him alone. To his left there could be seen an inn... but no. That would draw too much attention to her. Perhaps in the forest... that could be it, he thought. That was the closest thing to home... her home, anyway. But no sooner had Marudil started for the wilderness, when a voice called out from behind him.... a distinctly elven voice, not belonging to his friend. It was an agent of the Thalmor.

    "Halt, murderer!" The Altmer called out.

    Marudil stopped dead in his tracks and stood silent.

    "You are under arrest, Marudil of Valenwood, for the deaths of six high elves of the Aldmeri Dominion! We know who you are.... Archer!"

    Marudil glared and growled at the agent's words. The fact that they had somehow determined his involvement in the "Archer of Whiterun" murders hardly even registered with his thoughts. He had no time for these elves! Glancing over his shoulder, he took note of the agents and their arsenal; there were three, fully armored. Each carried only a sword.

    "Come with us to face justice, or be prepared to--"

    Before the agent could finish his arrest, Marudil burst into the forest with blinding speed. He could hear the Thalmor agents behind him, doing their best to keep up... and though Bosmer were naturally faster than Altmer, he knew it was only a matter of time before the elves caught up with him. Fortunately, Marudil had come to Falkreath prepared to kill.

    He hastily climbed into the treetops, where he quickly found an ideal hiding spot and vantage point. Settling into place, Marudil whipped out an arrow from his quiver and took aim. The agents were checking every shadow and treetop... very clever, he thought. But not clever enough to save their lives. His first arrow was shot, and it found its mark in the skull of the trio's lone female agent. Much to the others' chagrin, the "protective" metal of the agent's helmet did nothing to defend her from the arrowhead. Marudil jumped to a different tree, took aim, and shot again. The second elf fell dead to the ground. But this time, Marudil's position had been compromised by the trajectory of the arrow, and the last remaining agent drew out his fallen partner's sword and hurled it straight toward the tree where Marudil was hiding. The weapon hit its mark, but only managed to knock Marudil to the ground. The wood elf regained his footing, drew out his knives... but then, before his very eyes, an anonymous arrow zipped straight past Marudil's ear and stuck the Thalmor warrior where he stood. Marudil spun around, bewildered and confused... then put his knives away.

    She had found him.

    Standing before Marudil was a bosmer woman dressed from head to foot in fur armor, with long and silky black hair that fell down her back. Her face was painted with tribal Valenwood designs, her skin was a sharp, almost red shade of tan, and her eyes seemed black as night.

    "Sevria." Marudil began, "You always were a true shot."

    "Nonetheless rivaled by my chief." Sevria responded.

    "You speak as if we are friends... yet to my recollection, you swore to bring me back to Valenwood to answer for my crimes against the Pact."

    "That was many centuries ago, Marudil... and we have much time ahead of us yet. Besides... I have not summoned you without reason. Rather I... we are in need of your leadership."

    "We?" Marudil gave a glaringly inquisitive look.

    "Your tribe, Marudil.... your people."

    "They are not my people!" Marudil growled, "... ... Not anymore. If they have fallen to ruin, then let them die with their false god."

    "You would carry the burden of hatred all these years, even as your enemies act when we need you most?"

    "My... enemies? What concern are my enemies to you or your people?"

    "Because the Aldmeri Dominion -- your enemies -- are also ours. ... These agents did not come to arrest you. It was by mere coincidence that you met them at all. ... They were searching for me."

    "Your people continue to reject their ways?"

    "... Yes... as we may..."

    "As you may?"

    "It..." Sevria sighed. "I'm sorry... it has been so many years, and so much has transpired since you turned your back on your tribe... I shall explain myself. But first I must beg of you..."

    "Beg what?"

    "As I said... we are in need of your leadership. Our chief... your brother... a great darkness has clouded his mind. You must be the one to sever the ties that bind us to the Thalmor. .... You must return to Valenwood."

    ".... ...." Marudil glared with an intense and seething expression. ".... No. .... Never. I'm- I'm sorry... ... but there is nothing for me in Valenwood anymore. Nothing awaits me in its forests except for a swift and vengeful demise."

    "They will see!" Sevria protested, raising her voice in desperation. "And if not... I will cut open their eyes myself!"

    Marudil was taken aback by Sevria's intensity. "... You are frantic... ... your tone is desperate... ... ..." He trailed off into thought. "... My brother, you say... what has he done? Why must I reclaim command of his people?"

    "Come with me to Valenwood... I will tell you everything along the way."

    Marudil stood silent for several seconds, giving Sevria's plea a final consideration before finally deciding...

    "Yes." He said reluctantly. "But if you have deceived me... only Oblivion will hide you from my wrath."


  • Gabe
    Gabe   ·  October 9, 2014
    I did, thank you
  • MarkusMasterThief
    MarkusMasterThief   ·  October 8, 2014
    Thank you!  If you missed Marudil's introduction, check out my short story "Erika Northwing and the Archer of Whiterun".
  • Gabe
    Gabe   ·  October 8, 2014
    Really liking this so far!
  • MarkusMasterThief
    MarkusMasterThief   ·  August 27, 2014
    Thanks.  There'll be some major conflict going on. Not just between Marudil and the Thalmor, but also between Marudil and his brother. We'll be seeing the fate of his old tribe and what became of their conflict with the Thalmor, and it'll end with a very ...  more
  • Laurie Bear
    Laurie Bear   ·  August 27, 2014
    I can only imagine...  I can't wait to see where you lead this story...  Very cool start
  • MarkusMasterThief
    MarkusMasterThief   ·  August 27, 2014
    We'll be doing just that!  Of course, Marudil's tribe won't be all too happy to see him return...
  • Laurie Bear
    Laurie Bear   ·  August 27, 2014
    Nice, bring it to Valenwood!