WISH Bethesda would make a zombie apocalyptic game!


    Imagine something in the lines of I Am Legend. Bethesda creates an open world apocalyptic MODERN zombie game. New york would be the best city. Areas swarming with the undead.......or lurking in buildings you scavenge. 

    Countless companions ot there....where you can have more than one! there fore start your own group!. find a home! store your stuff there and turn it into a fort to stay protected. eg resident evil movie where they have a prison and over look the city. Eg dawn of the dead movie where they inhabit a super market mall. rooftop provides overwatch. 

    Safer areas and not so safe areas. ruined city.....so buildings rebuilt to provide shopping for food water ammo and weapons and weapon upgrades clothing and armor etc. protect safe areas from undead entering.

    bandits throughout the world. ........just the thought of entering a neighborhood, scavenging houses ......quiet....zombie or bandits could be lurking. likewise through the city.

    to add more of an ominous experience. at nightfall ....a certain type of zombies come out. faster stronger and simply frightening. just like i am legend, u have a watch or alarm warning u of nightfall. U MUST FIND A SAFE AREA BEOFORE THE SUN SETS OR RISK BEING KILLED. imagine being in a building forgot time....with 4 of your companions GROUP. beep alarm goes off = dooomed. rushing to find an overwatch or fort. order them to take up positions and keep watch. let enemies pass, or let all hell break lose. an open world like this......my ideal DREAM GAME

    somehow....never created :(


  • Christian
    Christian   ·  January 12, 2012
    yeah i might give it a go, looks like a good scary game. haven't played a truly epic horror game since the original silent hill.
  • Ryan R
    Ryan R   ·  January 12, 2012
    its from condemned 2. or possibly the first. pretty good game thinkin of buying it again. epic-ly scary and immense fun 
  • Christian
    Christian   ·  January 12, 2012
    hey could someone tell me what game the bottom two screenshots are from? thanks
  • Ryan R
    Ryan R   ·  January 10, 2012
    i did paul.....any games that are not free roam dont cut it for me. last of us seems like a level by level game not open world survivor which needs done. therefore not all zombie games have been done......they lack the one type that would rule them all, t...  more
  • Paul M.
    Paul M.   ·  January 10, 2012
    There's too many zombie games though. it's being used to much. There is a game though, being made by Naughty Dog (Uncharted series) that looks like I Am Legend from what I've seen so far. The trailer was good. But zombies came out to the daylight. The gam...  more
  • Ryan R
    Ryan R   ·  January 10, 2012
    *EVERY ZOMBIE GAME ISNT GOOD THO. I FEEL THEY DONT FULLFILL POTENTIAL OR ARE DONE RIGHT. the last of us looks closest to what we want truely in a zombie game.............HOWEVER its only for PS3 :( IM XBOX and it isnt free roam open worl which instantly m...  more
  • Guy Corbett
    Guy Corbett   ·  January 10, 2012
    Im with Titan. Ive wanted to see a sci fi/space bethesda game for ages. Maybe a colonist on a new world ??
    Zombie games have been done to death now. I'd much prefer a continuation of the fallout series maybe have it in europe or britain. America isn...  more
  • Noel Costill
    Noel Costill   ·  January 9, 2012
    Besides there's this one game, what's it called?...hmmm...Oh yeah. FALLOUT!!!!!!!
  • Noel Costill
    Noel Costill   ·  January 9, 2012
    Zombies are played out in my opinion. If I see another zombie movie or zombie game I'm gonna punch a baby.
  • Brandon Monroe
    Brandon Monroe   ·  January 9, 2012
    I don't care what other games Bethesda does...I just love any of their games due to the amount of detail they put in....Why can't all games have that much detail?