The Slaves of War - Character Bios

  • Note: I thought I would draw my own pictures for this... But my house is still being sorted out from moving and such.... I'm looking for a artist who would still draw these characters for me. I don't want to use the screenshot function on Skyrim to do it because 1: I no longer own Skyrim and 2: Even if I did, I like creative drawings better than a screenshot.

    Talon Hawksbane of Sunhold
    Age: 26
    Hair: Brown hair, rough beard and moustache.
    Height: 182cm
    Weight: 82kg
    Hobbies: Hunting, Drinking, Practicing the sword.
    Likes: Good Alcohol, Fordolf, Ralon, Sunhold, The ability to be dominant over others.
    Dislikes: Daedra, Trolls, Leeks.

    Ralon Hawksbane of Sunhold
    Age: 26
    Hair: Well groomed brown hair, small beard and small moustache.
    Height: 175cm
    Weight: 77.5kg
    Hobbies: Reading, Gambling, Flirting with women.
    Likes: Rare artifacts, Rare books, Money, Women, Power, Fordolf, Talon.
    Dislikes: Leeks, Well-built soldiers who intimidate him, people who are better gamblers than him.

    Basara the Slave
    Age: 29
    Hair: White sideburns and hair parting at chin, in a traditional Orcish ponytail.
    Height: 176cm
    Weight: 76kg
    Hobbies: Due to the harsh treatment of his previous masters, none.
    Likes: Not being punished, Meat, Opportunities to impress masters, Freedom.
    Dislikes: Being punished, Starving, People who talk too much, Money.

    Thalmor Justiciar Vorador the Vulture
    Age: 42
    Hair: Long white hair with no beard or moustache.
    Height: 187cm
    Weight: 80kg
    Hobbies: Playing with fire, Creating new Torture methods, Annoying his superiors.
    Likes: Power, Magic, Rare Artifacts, Rare Spells, Rare Weaponry, Money, Sweets.
    Dislikes: Nords, His superiors, Anyone weaker and inferior than himself.

    The Priestess of Boethiah
    Age: 27
    Hair: Black hair tied to the back in traditional Dunmer fashion.
    Height: 167cm
    Weight: 55kg
    Hobbies: None
    Likes: Boethiah
    Dislikes: All other Daedra, as well as Aedra.


  • N-cr-ph0bia
    N-cr-ph0bia   ·  January 4, 2014
    @clear Thanks! :D
  • clear
    clear   ·  January 4, 2014
  • Soneca the Exiled
    Soneca the Exiled   ·  January 4, 2014
    I don't particularly like profiling actually, I feel like I can't do a backstory without revealing a lot of stuff about the character, stuff that I prefer the story to tell about him, and if I do a small profile like this one (MY OPINION, I DON'T THINK TH...  more
  • N-cr-ph0bia
    N-cr-ph0bia   ·  January 4, 2014
    @Alkosh Lol yeah totally agree with you. Profiling ftw! :D
  • N-cr-ph0bia
    N-cr-ph0bia   ·  January 3, 2014
    @Soneca the abysswalker
    Yeah sorry lol my christmas concert thing finished... but I've been busy preparing for uni and such... I don't think it'll be for another week or so sorry;;; I've hardly had the time to even be on the net recently... ;_;
  • Soneca the Exiled
    Soneca the Exiled   ·  January 3, 2014
    When is the next chapter coming out man? you've been gone for a while