The Hero Of Kvatch Part one (Oblivion) Back Story and introduction

  • The Hero Of Kvatch

    First of all I will give a little info on the back story of this charcter. Pleat me know what you thought.

    The Hero Of Kvatch is the hero who helped Martin Septim Defeat Merunes Dagon. He is prasied for his work and is loved by the people of cyradil for his great deeds.He had a great level of skill when fighting he could make short work  of every foe who dared to challange him. He was hounered for his speech as he could talk out of almost every situation. But little do they know he was actuly a creature of the night. Who would feed of the citezens living a fake life. After many years of living he got bored of life in Cyradil so he framed his death and cured his disease and set of for Skyrim city of the Nords!

    Now the tale of how he become the almighty hero.

    It all strarted in the Imperial Prision I had just woken from the worst sleep l have had in years. Across from my cell a pig headed Dark-Elf who told me l was going to die in this rotten Imperial jail. Before long the pair of us heard the guards coming. Again he said thats them here for you. To my luck it was the blades with Empror Uriel Septim. Through my very cell laid a secret exit. I manged to escape but the Empror did not. Whilst the blades preformed

    Whilst  the blades had been preforming their duties to defend their master the Empror told my that his death was near and the prince of destruction was back to destroy the world as we know it.He then handed me the Amulet of Kings and said "find my son Martin the next heir to the throne "When all of a sudden the Mythic Dawn attack striking him dead.

    Once l had discovered Martin's location in Kvatch l set off. When l arrived an Oblivion Gate had oppened up. The only way l could save him was to destroy it. With alot of effort l was able to destroy the Gate. Then finding Martin was simple enough.