Vampires! What do you expect?

  • I haven't seen a blog yet that goes into the details behind or what people are hoping for when playing as a vampire. What are your hopes for powers this time around and the benefits you gain by not drinking blood? And if there may be a spell that protects you from the sun for a short time. So feel free to speculate and give us your hopes for what will happen when your stricken with vampirism!


  • the_fox
    the_fox   ·  October 31, 2011
    sorry if this is too far-fetched but it just crossed my about a reverse-gravity spell on self,  imagine being in a cave and casting this puppy... casting magic whilst your to-be victim cannot touch you, or jumping and attacking from above. Obvi...  more
  • Dakota Huddleson
    Dakota Huddleson   ·  October 31, 2011
    I have read alot of good stuff here, and if any of this may happen I may try and become one. Unlike in oblivion there was no real need or big advantage of being a vampire. Also never being able to fast travel or shop was not to fun. A questline for vampir...  more
  • Chloe (ie- Pea brain)
    Chloe (ie- Pea brain)   ·  October 31, 2011
    I hope that when you become a vampire -like TerryLooper- maby you get a lair that you can share with other vampires that you come across? Other vampires don't attack you or they give you a running start in a fight. It would also be cool if you hiss in battle!
  • TerryLooper
    TerryLooper   ·  October 31, 2011
    im hopeing for the vamp guilds elder vamps. quest lines.the permanent night eye would be cool but wat about th cons to it?
  • Mike
    Mike   ·  October 31, 2011
    I don't think we will be able to become a Volkihar vampire, 'cause there would be no way you could live in society.
    And, feeding making you weaker NEEDS TO CHANGE
  • Bilbo
    Bilbo   ·  October 31, 2011
    I agree with almost all that has been said

    What I additionaly want ( differing from oblivion)

    A coven; specific questline/side quests; active vampire hunters; blood to have healing properties; "elder" vamps
  • Matt Nicholson
    Matt Nicholson   ·  October 31, 2011
    I like the idea of have a faction of vampires too. In morrowind you had Aundae clan, Quarra clan, and Berne clan that all had unique skill perks and quest lines. Hopefully Skyrim will bring something similar to this back to the table.
  • Sheogorath
    Sheogorath   ·  October 31, 2011
    i think as a vamp the people who you feed on should become vamps themselves.. also a permanent night eye as long as you dont get cured would make a creature of the night  better at sneaking around...
  • RuneRed
    RuneRed   ·  October 31, 2011
    Personally I like ES twist on feeding, making a vampire weaker - it's something different.  It is so embedded in their lore, that I doubt they will change that - but the vampires of skyrim are of a different clan, the volkihar clan, so maybe their powers ...  more
  • Kedez
    Kedez   ·  October 31, 2011
    I actually have no expectations of what might happen in Skyrim with vampires.  I hated being a vampire in Oblivion, and did the quest to cure vampirism instantly (It was the hardest quest in the game) It doesn't suit my style of play.  A separate perk tre...  more