Lilly-Anne's Journal Part 2 (The Guild)

  • 17th of Last Seed 4E 201

    Well today I finally arrived in Riften. I had heard rumors during my travels that there was a a brance of the Thieves Guild located there so I thought I'd head off and find them. I fell asleep in the carriage. Next thing I remember is waking up and having a man named Byrnolf talk to me about getting some money out of people. I looked around and I was in a rather dingy place and everyone was wearing very similar amour, must be the Guild I'm after.

    He told me who the marks where and to be careful when leaving the Ragged Flagon, interesting name for a bar I must say, as there are some people in the Ratway, my initial guess is they are sewers I have to get through. Before I left for the Ratway I conjured a sword for protection.

    As I entered the Ratway an Orc charged at me whilst shouting "May Mara have mercy upon you." What the hell does Mara have to do with this I thought as I dodged out the way and saw him go crashing into a wall. I thought about this one sword technique that Urzul had taught me. Once again the Orc charged at me, however this time I bashed him with my sword and with two quick slashes he was left without any hands. I left him there. I took a book from the table where he was originally standing, I shall read it later tonight.

    I came across a rat, I believe in Skyrim the call them skeevers? I kicked in several times and let it whimper away. There were two people talking about their plans to infiltrate the Guild. I bolted at the one with his back to me and sliced his head off before he could draw his weapon. However his friend infront of him had already knocked his arrow and was getting ready to released the string. I felt it cut my right shoulder but only by inch or so. I grunted and let out several quick slashes that bought him down onto his knees. I chopped his arm off and left him their to bleed to death.

    I exited the Ratway and was granted by, what seemed to be an exceptionally bright light, this was most likely because, as I said before, it was exceptionally dingy in the Ragged Flagon. As I made my way to see the first of the marks I spotted a blacksmiths, it must be plentiful with look in their I thought to myself. The first man, Bersi, was easy to break, I merely had to smash a vase and he handed over the coin, he seemed like a rather pig-headed man. The next mark seemed like a bit of a tart, she was rude and edgy... I wasn't in the mood so I pummelled my fists into her faces several times and then smashed her into the ground, I wanted her to put up more of a fight as I didn't have enough time to try this Orcish technique Urzul taught me. She paid up quickly enough. The final mark was a nervous little Argonian, she paid straigh away, how weird.

    I returned throught the Ratway and had a chat to Byrnolf again, I gave him his coin after he promised me some potions and place within the Guild. He took me through a fake wardrobe to where the Guild itself was located. I met the leader who was called Mercer... I don't like him, seems like a bit of an arogant prick, if I'm being kind. He told me the do's and don't's and there was nothing unexpected. I had been given my first job and was to talk to Vex about it, who apparently barely made it out alive. We're the Thieves Guild not the bloody Warriors Guild! What do you expect if there are a shit load of mercenaries there... She's obviously not trained in the art of how to stay hidden.

    I talked to Vex about the job, met Delvin who seems like an amusing fella to be around. I picked some jobs up of these two to do some burglary and number changing around Riften. I made short work of that, got a nice haul from the blacksmiths as well. I saw Tonilla who gave me my Guild armour set, it's a nice snug fit; I sold my haul of loot to her for a pretty piece.

    I sat down in the Ragged Flagon and read two books, 'The Armourer's Challenge', this told an amusing story about who was to make the weapons and armour for the Imperial troops in a battle in Black Marsh, lets just say Ebony and Marshes don't go down to well. The next was called 'Beggar' it was about a King's son who inherited nothing from him, he was looked after by a shy woman and the only thing she taught him was how to run, he ended up begging and ran away, his story continues in a book called 'Thief' I hope to come across it some time soon.

    I strolled into the Guild HQ and am now planning on sleeping. It is only early however I picked up two more jobs of Delvin and Vex and plan to do them around three in the morning.

    I miss mother.