The Blog of the Week

  • Hello all, Emer here!

    This week Blog Host Armathyx has chosen Kyrielle's latest blog, Mercy for the Chosen (one of my new favorite Blogs, if I may add). Let's see what Armathyx has to say about this blog:

    What we find special about her new story, asides from her ever so poetic writing style, is thatit doesn't necessarily revolve around heated combats that much in comparison to other blogs. The main character is probably the most impressive element of this story. Arnau, a noble Breton knight, often finds himself confronted with very different types of individuals, from his superiors to mere beggars. As a result, his personality is completely twisted between a boot-licker for the rich and an arrogant overlord for the poor.

    I've found many similarities between Arnau and Daniel from Amnesia: The Dark Descent, in how they try to justify murdering innocent victims, and equally abide to a demented lord. Perhaps if you have played the game, you might think the same!

    I've found this blog to be very captivating, and I highly suggest giving it a read. Kyrielle's writings are all

    impeccable, and I suggest reading all of her previous blogs along with this one. 

    I'll leave you this week with the opening quote from Mercy for the Chosen - Ch. 1-1: Blinded by the Light:

    "I used to dream of fighting in battles like my Father. He had begun teaching me to fight the moment I was able to pick up a blade. Mother had argued that I was too young, but he paid her no mind. I can still remember the elation I felt the first time I bested Father in a match and the look of pride on his face."

    -Mirtil Angoth


  • Matt Feeney the New Guy
    Matt Feeney the New Guy   ·  July 17, 2013
    And with her actual paintbrush.
  • Kynareth
    Kynareth   ·  July 17, 2013
    I highly suggest any of Kyrielle's writings.  She paints amazing pictures with her words!
  • Kyrielle Atrinati
    Kyrielle Atrinati   ·  July 17, 2013
    Nice!  Thanks guys!  I'm honored, and proud, to have this one featured. :)