The Dagon Archives II

  • The Dagon Archives II

    You run up the slight slope up to the city, you know that your life is on the line and that at any minute you can pass out. You run into the first guard you see only to pass out to from the blood lose. You feel your head crashing down onto the stone path and murmured shouts of the townsfolk.

    The only thing you understood was “what happened” and “someone get some help” 


    You wake up on a bed in the guards’ barracks, a priest seems to be trying to heal you with his magic restoration abilities. The spell doesn’t seem to be working. It actual seems to be doing the opposite, it feels like it is burning your skin like a flame burns paper.


    The priest yelled, “Its not working, he is losing blood. Get me some health and health regeneration potions quickly!”


    The guard nearby ran to the cupboard scrambling through the shelves hastily looking for the potions. He came back to the priest in a hurry and said,

    “Runil, I found the potions”


    “Well hurry it up! This man’s life is on the brink of death”


    In one smooth motion the priest grabbed the potions, took of the lid and poured it down your throat. You relax and passed out again.


    You slowly open your eyes,  everything around you seems blurred. You see a figure sitting next to you. You refocus your eyes and see it is the priest that was healing, Runil you think the guard called him. Runil started the conversation.


    “How are you feeling?”


    You murmured something that didn’t seem recognizable


    “I’ll take that as a ok.”


    “What is an Elf doing in the middle of the Forrest?”


    You eyes opened wide, then you looked at yourself. You saw your grey skin and you went to feel your ears, it was a sharp as a spearhead.


    Runil continued, “especially a Dunmer.”


    He paused as if thinking about something.


    “Do you remember how you got in the Forrest?”


    You look around trying to think about how you did get there. You think and think but no memories come out of your clouds of mystery.


    You stare into his eyes and say, “I don’t know.”


    He does a heavy blink and turns his head away.


    “There is something about you that seems… a bit out of this world”


    The conversation seemed to pause.


    Runil decided to stop the silence.


    “Well its good to see that you’re feeling good, I will put this health potion here so if you have pain just take this.”


    He put down the elixir and just as he is about to leave, you ask him “how long will it take to be fully healed?”


    “For a full healing, a month or more but to walk around, a day. Tops.”

    You close your eyes and sleep.