Fan Opinions/Suggestions on TES Graphic Novel

  • I'll start this off by asking all of you, the fans, what location/locations you would like to see in a TES graphic novel? Would you like to introduce known but never before seen races from the TES world? What would you not like to see?


  • Ashley Matthews
    Ashley Matthews   ·  November 13, 2011
    I'd like to throw this idea out there- Elsweyr. I believe that's how it's pronounced? We have yet to see a TES game that takes place there, and the Khajiit seem like such a mysterious race. 
    If that doesn't sound interesting, I'd have to say Shegora...  more
  • Arthur Keen
    Arthur Keen   ·  November 5, 2011
    As someone who was there pretty much from the beginning, I'd definitely like to see the early locations revisited. A scene or two set somewhere in Daggerfall, Sentinel or Wayrest would be fantastic for us nostalgia freaks. I've already mentioned Barenziah...  more