The Speaker 14: You Go, My Lad

  • My mind is reeling. The Graybeards' leader, a dragon named Paarthunax, explains that the oncoming apocalypse is because of some epic procrastination from three thousand years ago. So now I have to find an Elder Scroll and figure out how to defeat Alduin.

    I suppose I should see what Lisin has to say about this.

    She seems to be enjoying herself at the inn; she actually seems a bit tipsy when I find her. But that's okay; she's still excited to see that my vampirism is cured and that I'm fully committed to stopping Alduin now. So we head out together for Winterhold to ask about that Elder Scroll. The librarian borders on unhelpful, but finally he gives me a lead--an old mage somewhere off to the north.

    Leaving the college, I choose the worst possible time to take the short way down to the beach. While falling toward the water, I hear a dragon on the air and Lisin, of course, chooses the long way. And now I can't see a thing, even with my candlelight fluttering about.

    Admittedly, I'm getting panicky as I run north toward the rocks, toward cover. The dragon's everywhere and nowhere. I hear him when I don't see him, and when he actually rushes up on me, spraying fire everywhere, I feel the wind of his wings before I hear his roar. 

    But then I remember the Shout that the Graybeards taught me.

    Much better. 

    All the dragon's noise wakes up some undead at a nearby crypt, buying me time to hide at some rocks where I can snipe the dragon at my leisure. 

    Eventually, despite the unwanted interference of a couple of polar bears, I take him out, surprised at the effort. I don't remember the dragons being this vicious. Maybe Alduin's caught on to what I'm doing and has sent in the cavalry.

    Lisin, predictably, arrives just as I finish picking over the dragon's body for valuables.

    On the bright side, the mage the librarian mentioned is exactly where he said he'd be, him and this giant Dwemer cube.

    I get nervous just being in the room with it, so I'm glad the mage is forthright with information and sends us on our way to some place called Alftand, and from there to Blackreach.

    Alftand, at least, is easy enough to find.

    The ruins are infested with Dwemer spiders and such, but they don't pose too much of a threat, especially when I can count on Lisin to step in for me if I need to back off and catch my breath. 

    We continue on into the ruins, deeper and deeper, passing through hallway after hallway, through one door and the next, until--


    Moderately perturbed, I try a different door. The sight of a bunch of bloodied skeletons is encouraging, to say the least. If these people got killed in here, then whatever killed them must have come up from somewhere much deeper.

    I'm a bit disappointed to see that it's just another crazy Khajit. Lisin kills him while I'm banging my head against the wall.

    But a few doors later, I become absolutely certain that we're on the right track. 

    There's even a warm draft coming up from below. I don't know how deep this shaft goes, but I'm sure going to find out. But it's not quiet, either--I can definitely hear footsteps once Lisin stops shuffling around. 

    Ah, of course...Ears.

    We foray ever deeper, so much that even the groaning of the glacier fades into the mist above. I'm starting to get a bit claustrophobic, but seeing an elevator at the next turn, I take heart in the knowledge that we're well on our way.

    What, seriously? Did the Dwemer have issues with evacuation drills or something?

    I take a different turn next time and vent my frustration on the Centurion who bars our way.

    There's even more crazy people down below, presumably the remnants of the expedition whose remains we've been tracking. These two promptly set upon each other when Lisin and I show up, and we're forced to put down the survivor.

    The elevator they're guarding promises a quick trip down to Blackreach, so I rush in and turn the lever.

    Oh, for the love of...


  • Battlechief Visthulu
    Battlechief Visthulu   ·  March 22, 2014
    This is amazing.
  • Clement Bilhorn
    Clement Bilhorn   ·  February 18, 2013
    Hey, thanks. I really appreciate the feedback.
  • Infernus
    Infernus   ·  February 18, 2013
    I love reading this Blog, your writing style, mixed with some good humour and pictures (i like pictures) makes it worth waiting for.
    i only wish i had talent with words. i have the imagination for the story, just cant get it out of my brain onto the paper..
  • Master Dread
    Master Dread   ·  February 16, 2013
    I have been reading as well I just don't comment.
  • Clement Bilhorn
    Clement Bilhorn   ·  February 16, 2013
    Yeah, and it's worse since I don't play with a HUD, so there's no text informing me where things go.
  • Informer
    Informer   ·  February 16, 2013
    Man, me and The Dockworker have the same opinion about Aftland and Blackreach: EXTREMELY CONFUSING! (Though Blackreach is very nice looking)
  • Todd
    Todd   ·  February 16, 2013
    This is one of the few things that I can actually wait to read (not sure why)!

    Don't let Feeney start reading. He'll never get off your ass about the next issue!
  • Clement Bilhorn
    Clement Bilhorn   ·  February 16, 2013
    Glad you like it. It's nice to have a dedicated readership (hey, that's a word!) even if it's dropped off as of late. I blame the very long and irregular hiatuses before parts 1 and 2 of The Speaker.
  • Todd
    Todd   ·  February 16, 2013
    Amazing entry, as always!