HIDDEN GEM The Magicka Blocker

  • Welcome to the Hidden Gem Spotlight! This week is the historic beginning of featuring builds that you nominate. The theme, Crossworlds, was in anticipation of the similarly titled upcoming event, and features a build that brings characters from a different universe into Skyrim. While it turns out there are some great ones out there, today we’ve decided to feature an awesome little gem that’s been out for a little over three months and is at the time I write this still sitting at only 20 likes... practically one foot in the bloodworks. That’s gotta change, folks! Ladies and gentlemen, this week we are excited to feature...

     The Magicka Blocker by CounterfeitFrenchman


    CounterfeitFrenchman (CF) bases The Magicka Blocker around the Equalists (found in The Legend of Korra) who use chi blocking as a way to counteract, or equalize, the advantages of benders. This translates surprisingly well in a Skyrim setting, and The Magicka Blocker is the ultimate mage-bane! Looking at the perked skills on paper--Archery, Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Pickpocket, Sneak, and Alchemy--doesn’t really do the build justice; CF’s application of them is truly unique and engaging. So, as CF suggests: Hide yo’ necromancers, hide yo’ battlemages!


    • Non-stop, fast-paced, unarmed action with offensive pickpocketing capabilities afterhis position has been revealed: this guy really is an Equalist, typically sneaking into position then rushing into combat out of nowhere, opening with a punch to the face, jabbing at pressure points, and leaving mages paralyzed and unable to cast spells… awesome!
    • Superb writing: for those of you whose knee-jerk reaction is to roll your eyes and start looking for the scroll wheel whenever you see backstory, this wrecks whatever preconceived notions you may have regarding its validity… CF gives you an awesome, action-packed prologue, and overall, the writing is humorous, engaging and just a lot of fun to read!
    • Excellently mapped out 3 part approach to combat scenarios: while the combat for this build is definitely unique, CF leaves no uncertainty about how to handle the various threats found in Skyrim; The Magicka Blocker has an answer to just about every opponent the game throws at him--want to know how to take on a dragon bare-handed? He’s got you covered ;D

    The Bottom Line

    The Magicka Blocker is a funny, brilliantly written build that offers unique, fast paced, stick-and-move combat… and makes you feel hardcore!


1 Comment
  • Althalos Goldknight
    Althalos Goldknight   ·  January 16, 2015
    Interesting build here :D