LIVE ROLEPLAYING Character of the Week

  • This week's Live Roleplaying Character of the Week is Trace's character, Delmar Anthian. One of our group's most well-spoken GMs, Christopher Perigoe, has written this week's Character of the Week from the perspective of one of his characters, Peryn Gaerhart. 

    This week I have been called upon by the powers that be to write a short letter detailing a ‘Citizen of the Week’. When I was asked who to write about, one man sprung firmly into the forefront of my mind - Delmar Anthian.

    I first encountered Delmar in the Gallows, reporting a series of heinous crimes to a guardswoman. Murder, unregistered lycanthropy, and conspiracy in both situations - these dire offences were committed right under the Guards’ collective noses. Rather than stay silent and enable these criminals, he chose to speak out, to do the right thing when it would have been so much easier to do otherwise.

    Delmar, in his heroism, brought an important issue to the attention of all of us living in Blackwood Crossing, be we residents or travellers - the town guard weren’t doing their job. Murder was being committed in broad daylight, and lycanthropes were not being reported on. By bringing this to our attention in-character, it meant that the guards’ response (a full investigation into his accusations) was possible.

    Delmar brings a very rare moral fibre to Blackwood Crossing, one which has demonstrated on multiple occasions since, including joining a group of my fellow knights on a dangerous patrol of the city at night. In a climate filled with vampires, lycanthropes, and other fearsome beasts that stalk the night, he is a model citizen - noble, courageous, and willing to do his share and more to help his community in what may be its darkest hour.3

    I, for one, hope that there are more like Delmar amongst us. May we all carry faith within us eternally.


    Peryn Gaerhart,
    Paladin-Commander of the Order of the Eternal Wheel


  • Veloth the Prophet
    Veloth the Prophet   ·  September 30, 2014
  • Soneca the Exiled
    Soneca the Exiled   ·  September 30, 2014
    Trace, please don't answer hate with more hate.