PS3 Preview!


  • Titan
    Titan   ·  November 1, 2011
    for sure but not stated in the peice itself that it definetly is or is not,he could just be making it accessible to the ps3 users he is reviewing it for.
    hard to say because he never confirms it for sure,i would like to think it was on ps3
  • Larthjar the Nord
    Larthjar the Nord   ·  November 1, 2011
    I think it is PS3, he write L2 and L1 instead of Left and Right Trigger, Circle instead och A/B/X/Y so it seems lika a PS3-build
  • Necronblue
    Necronblue   ·  November 1, 2011
    thanks for the link! an hour from the middle of the map. i cant wait to explore! plus the fact that a random quest gave so much back to the player for doing what could've been a grab and return quest. i like that and hope that the quests and dungeons neve...  more
  • Titan
    Titan   ·  November 1, 2011
    you sure about this?,
    if so then awesome thanks man