Finally Figured Out What I Wanna Play As. Yay!

  • After much pondering and consideration I plan to play as my personal favorite the Altmer better known as High Elves. I'm going to play as a mage/assassin mostly walking around taking out enemy's with a flurry of all mighty spells. He will completely master all schools of magic becoming mightier than even an arch mage. He will of course use daggers and short swords on occasion when he needs to slice a throat or two in secrecy or just as a precaution, or when he feels like it and of course even the mightiest mage requires some sort of armor at a point in time. Even with all this power he will remain completely honorable.... unless he remembers his past, his past of pure evil then who knows what will happen. His back story will be a sad but tried and true one. He was on a mission to steal a priceless artifact when he was betrayed and attacked out of nowhere. He has no memory of what happen all he can remember was waking up in cuffs. Does he know what happen? Does he want to know what happen? Maybe this is for the best he can start anew. The downside being he has forgotten all his skills due to the ambush except the basics.

    Tell me what you think because this is what I've decided i will make tweaks of course but i am satisfied with my choice.


  • Sir Sweetness
    Sir Sweetness   ·  October 26, 2011
    Just finished a similar character in Oblivion fun but kinda burned out on casting fire balls at people so im going to make a beast of a Nord that either duel wields longswords or battle axes. There is something that feels right about just beasting your wa...  more
  • Cawre
    Cawre   ·  October 26, 2011
    sounds like a cool character! a little similar to mine which is a Dunmer mage. Im currently working on my backstory. I cant really decide if he is gonna be all good or evil so I think I'll go for something between those two after all, "good" and "evil" is...  more